Chapter 6

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I quickly stood up and pushed him away. "Um, well ya know we broke up for a reason." I said. He smiled and pushed me against the table. "Yeah, but come on. We've both changed. I know you want this." He said with a smirk. He started to lean in and I started to lean back.

"I really don't want.." Before I could finish my sentence he kissed me. Ethan walked in just then. I pushed him off and wiped my mouth. I turned towards Ethan and smiled. "What the hell is going on in here." He yelled. I looked at Liam and he was smirking. I clenched my jaw and looked back at Ethan.

"Nothing is going on. Liam was just getting something off my face." I lied. "Oh so there was something on your lips." He said with crossed arms. I laughed nervously. "Uh well he was just..." "Save it Kaitlyn, this is bullshit!" He yelled.

"Dude calm down, we're together." Liam said. "Um, the hell we are!" I said looking at him. He walked over to me and held my hips. "Babe calm down, it's okay." He said trying to kiss me again. I struggled to get him off. All of a sudden Liam was lifted away from me. It was Ethan. He slammed Liam onto the table and punched him. He kept punching him and punching him. I pulled him away and stepped in front of Liam.

"Ethan stop he's had enough." I said putting my hand on Ethan's chest. He clenched his jaw and rubbed his hand. It was red and had cuts on his knuckles. I took my hand away and turned around to look at Liam. His nose was bleeding and he had a black eye. "Are you okay?" I asked with a concerned face. He stood up and looked at Ethan. "You should muzzle your dog." He said. Ethan clenched his fists and moved towards Liam. I pushed him back and said "Calm down, I can handle him."

I looked back at Liam. "I think you should leave Liam." I said. He shook his head. "Shut up bitch, let the men handle this." He said. I scoffed and was about to say something until I was pushed aside.

Ethan punched Liam, hard. Liam fell on the ground and Ethan picked him up by his shirt. He looked at him right in the eyes and said "If you ever, ever talk to her like that again, I will make sure you regret it. In fact, I don't want you to talk to her at all, look at her or even think about her. Got it?" Liam quickly nodded. Ethan smiled and then pushed Liam away by his shirt.

Just then, Mrs. Jones walked in. "Okay, the cake is re...." She was cut off by looking at Liam. "Oh my god sweetie, what happened to you." She said walking towards him and grabbing his face. "Your bleeding like crazy and your eye looks awful." She turned towards us. "What the hell happened to him." She said with anger.

"Well, he was being a dick to Kaitlyn so I kicked his self-centered little ass." Ethan said with a smile. Mrs. Jones shook her head and scoffed. "That's it, we're leaving." She grabbed Liam's arm and yelled to Rachel upstairs and then they all left. Ethan slammed the door shut after them and then turned around and looked at me.

"Well you made quite a scene." I said crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes and said "Well maybe if you didn't kiss him, I wouldn't have had anything to get mad at!" "I didn't kiss him, he kissed me and he did it unexpectedly. Plus you didn't have to get mad, we aren't dating!" I fought back.

"Who cares, we still have a thing! And I care because he was being a dick to you and you don't deserve that! So I did have a reason to be mad!"

"We don't have a thing and I can fight for myself!"

"We do have thing and you obviously can't fight for yourself because you needed me to get him off you and to tell him to leave!"

"You didn't give me a chance to tell him to leave and fine, maybe we have a thing but why do you feel the need to but into everything I do!"

"Because I need to protect you! You can't get hurt Kaitlyn, I just can't let that happen!"

After he said that, I just stood there in shock. He really cares about me. Awe. I walked over to him, grabbed his face and kissed him. It was passionate and sweet. I pulled away and looked at him. "Thank you for protecting me." I said. He smiled and blushed. We kissed again and then pulled away. I let go of his face and he walked away.

Fuck this boy has me fucked up
So yeah, that happened. I hope you guys liked this chapter it was fun to write. I'm super excited for the next chapter because you get to see more of their silly side and fun side instead of their sexual side. I'm excited for it. So yup, that's it. Bye my little freaks, love you guys.
-Katie 💖

P.S- When I say that he grabbed her face and kissed her, this is what it looks like.

S- When I say that he grabbed her face and kissed her, this is what it looks like

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So yeah, that's what I mean when I say that. Okay, bye now.

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