Chapter Eight

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-Im in class writing dirty talk for the next chapter and I fudging cant and I cant bold on my phone so I need to wait till i get home enjoy this short chapter anyway-

Words: 300

Jimin and yoongi were awaken by the bedroom door opening.

"Jimin, Yoongi, breakfast is ready," Yoongis mom said.

Jimin Sat and nodded at the lady in the door way.

"Your parents are down stair so get dressed boys the games start in a hour," Mrs. Min said walking away.

Jimin looked over at the sleeping figure next to him.

"Yoongi~ah," Jimin whispered in the boys ear and kissed his neck.

He earns a light moan from the younger. Yoongi's eyes flutter open revealing a smirking Jimin.

"Let's shower," Jimin said cheerfully.

Yoongi nodded in agreement and sat up to only groan and lay back down.

"The fuck," Yoongi groaned at the new felt pain.

"Awe baby come on I want to fuck again," Jimin whined.

"We can as soon as I can walk again. You bitch," Yoongi said sit back up slowly.

"Kitten don't use that language with me," Jimin growled.

Yoongi whined instantly shutting up because he had nothing nice to say. He didn't want to get punished when he was already in this much pain.

"Please help me," Yoongi cried.

Jimin was all ready changed so he got Yoongi changed as well afterward. The dressed boy picked up the one in pain and slung him over his shoulder and walked down the stairs.

"Oh my goodness is my baby okay," Mrs. Min said rushing over to Yoongi an Jimin.

Jimin surpressed a smirk and said," he woke up not feeling to well might want to give him pain relievers."

"Ill give him the strongest ones we got because we need to compete," Mr. Min said going to rummage through the cabinet.

Yoongis dad handed him water and pills and the hybrid took them.

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