Chapter Nine

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-Guys the guy i likes i talked to him a lot yesterday. I was probably high no jk I dont do drugs stay in school kids-

Words: 326

Yoongi felt better after an hour. He was in the car with his parents, Jimin and his parents. The parents were talking totally ignoring their kids.

Yoongi's tail was laid between him Jimin when they were in the car and maybe that wasn't the best idea. Soon he felt a hand which belongs to Jimin grip around his tail pulling it slightly.

"J-jimi-min," yoongi gasped hiding his pleasures face in the crook of Jimin's neck and his ears went down in arousal.

"Its daddy to you, you were screaming it last night you couldn't have forgotten already. Right, kitten," Jimin whispered with a smirk on his face.

Yoongi pushed Jimin's hand moved his tail away. Yoongi put his right hand on Jimins's left thigh making the other freeze.

Yoongi leaned in next to Jimin's ear and whispered," What do you want when you win the games... daddy?"

"I want kitten to be good boy and put on a show for daddy then I won't be handle so I'll push you against the bed and fuck you senseless," Jimin said darkly making his mind wander places," but what if you win?"

"I want to ride daddy," yoongi said to him with a gummy smile.

"Okay deal," Jimin agreed and they shook on it.

Jimin thought about yoongi's pleasured face when the hybrid would go down on him. Mouth ajarred, head thrown back, back arched, him threating to touch his self but his arms are tied back, the sweet gasps and moans when Jimin would tease him or claw down his butt to his thighs. Maybe letting him ride wouldn't be a bad thing.

"Boys we are here," one of the parents said.

The boys got out of the car so they could enter the stadium and let the games begin.

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