Chapter fourteen

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Words: 567



Chapter Fourteen; Setting Two/ Three


Yoongi's insides felt numb and he was weak in the knees with thin layer of sweat covering his exterior. Jimin smirked at the boy that continuously played with her sweater sleeve or the end of his skirt. Soon enough Yoongi was giggling with Jungkook but that was all a set up since Jungkook was Jimin's closest friend. Jungkook was friends with the paler boy but right now it was just to make sure he said anything bad about Jimin. The toy was completely ignored by Yoongi it was almost like it wasn't there.

"Hey Yoongi so who claimed you so you could wear that ridiculous collar," Jungkook sneered into he middle of their conversation.

"Stupid Jimin but honestly the collar was my choice plus I think it's cute," Yoongi rolled his eyes then answered to his question slightly offend but played with the material that was against his neck.

Jungkook just smiled and itched the side of his nose sending a signal to Jimin the replied ," yeah I guess."

"Do you not like it," Yoongi said pouting. 

"Yes I do only on you though... I don't think it would look well on me," Jungkook explained.

Then all of the sudden the smaller jolted in his seat, taking a deep intake, and shut his eyes tight.

"Ah shit," Yoongi cursed gnawing on his bottom lip slightly.

The mint haired boy turned at the smirking boy across the room, the then glanced back at Jungkook which was already in a different conversation, then glanced around the room back at his master. Yoongi lowered his hands and smirked at the other and began palming himself. Jimin started to feel hot, eyes fixed on the boy that has broken yet another rule. Jimin then put the toy on it's last setting and watch the other boy's back arch.

"Fuck," Yoongi shouted into he middle of class eye widening at the teacher to see him fuming.

"Mr. Min wait outside I'll be right there to speak with you," Mr. Zhang said sending Yoongi out.

The small boy whimpered and stood on his wobbly legs feeling numb inside and out. He then walked out the room and into the hall. Yoongi stood facing he locker in embarrassment and soon felt a presence joining him. This person bent Yoongi over to were his butt was out.

"I apologize kitten but you deserve it," Jimin said rubbing him hand on Yoongi's ass the lifted his hand up to only bring it back down on to his rear end.

"Daddy," Yoongi whimpered.

"What is it princess," Jimin asked.

"More," Yoongi said pushing his butt closer to Jimin's touch.

Jimin chuckled but slapped Yoongi's ass again this time harder to where the toy pushed deeper into the hybrid, to where it rubbed against his prostate. Yoongi moaned loudly for his Daddy's pleasure. Jimin stood the boy up, causing him to moan softly, then turn to look at him.

"Why are you doing this," Yoongi asked.

"One because it's your punishment and Two because I want your hole to be soaked so I can fuck you and fill you up as many times as I want. Because I want to feel you around my cock, do you want daddy dick to fill you up later," Jimin teased him so good but Yoongi couldn't ask for more.

His ear twitch and eyes light he nodded vigorously," Yes Daddy."

"Good boy," Jimin said ruffling the hybrids hair and walked off to the bathrooms.

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