The first day

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Your pov

I was in a white van with 2 other girls, one looked about 18 and the other looked over 50. The weirdest thing, was the 50 year old was crying...I don't know it was just weird to me.
I was going to a minimum security, so I wasn't that scared. Driving the car though, was a black girl who could have been a lesbian. It don't both me though, because there was a cute cop in the passenger seat.
When we got to are stop, a different cop opened the door next to me. I got out and I was handed a gym bag with a thin mattress, a pillow and sweater. "Thanks" I replied as a different inmate came and walked in front of them "ok, so this is the field" she said with a slight lisp while pointing to a dirt track "hey, whys it locked up?" A fit girl in front of me asked, she almost sounded upset. the girl leading us said, "because some one was stabbed on that track" I got a shiver going down my spine "oh hell no!" The girl started to run towards the track! I just stayed in the line, and did what I though was good.
As we continued in to the actual prison, I noticed that the cop that was in the car, was at the back of the line. I tried my best not to turn around and look at him too often. The girl giving us the tour was telling us where the different places where like visitation, the cafeteria and a couple different washrooms.
Soon girls where being dropped if in different rooms one by one, being 3rd to last in line, I had to wait my turn. When it got to my turn, she dropped me off at room 3. 3 being my Lucky number so I was kinda excited. "Your bunk 3.2" I looked for buck 3, and being number 2, it meant I was top.
I looked around my room seeing 3 other girls leaving a hole bunk empty. One of the girls looked fairly young like mid 20s or so, and the other two where about in the 50s. "Um.. Hi my names Y/n" you said smiling a bit "so what are you in here for?" The 20 year old said in a kind voice. I didn't wanna say, but I did anyway "hacking on the Internet" i was a pro hacker "wow, that must be one hell oh a story" I smiled and slightly nodded. "Also, we go by last names, uh" she looked down at the word sowed in to my orange outfit "um, L/n" i replied. One of the older people came over with a bucket full of different things "this is for you" i looked down at the bucket, it had a tooth brush, tooth paste, and different things i needed to live. The only things it didn't have was things like food, but it did have a water bottle "r-really? Do you just give this to every one?" She looked up at me and shock her head no "I can tell you'll make a difference in this prison" I smiled and stood up proud.

          ~|___TIME LAPSE___|~

It was now lunch time, and that cute cop kept glancing over at me. He smiled at me, and I could tell I was blushing a extreme amount. I turned back around and saw my old Internet friend (Internet friend) "well isn't it (IF/N)" she smiled at me and laughed a bit before handing me a water bottle with a lemonade water crystal "thanks" I said kindly "it would be my pleasure, love bird" she said. I then turn around and see no one, and when I turn back around, I see a note written on a paper gummy bear. I pick it up and read it "meet me in my office, 20 min from now"

Marks pov

"Inmate. Let me see the paper," she handed me the paper gummy bear "who gave this to you" she looked nervous "i-I'm not really sure" she said back to me. I walked away and threw it out. when I went back to where I was standing, lunch was over. So, I started to hall the girls out, when I saw one of the cops, Jack, start to walk to his office. I was wondering what he was doing, since, his shift was not done. So I followed him. "Jack what the hell are you doing in here!" He got so scared that he fell off of his chair. I tried to hold back my laugh, but it was a lot harder then you think. "What the fuck do you want...Fischbach" just as he said that, the inmate from the cafiteria walked in.

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