Madness in the court yard

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Y/n pov
Everything in my world stopped when his lips hit mine, everything felt completely perfect till I noticed out of the corner of my eye. Jack was just walking away, he looked upset. I pushed Mark off of me "I-I'm sorry, I must ask you to leave.." he stopped and looked down at you "y-yeah, of coarse" he sounded disappointed. I sighed and laid down, I have to get better before I'm kissing people and shit this is stupid. He walked out of the room silently and waved as the door shut. I closed my eyes and rested for a bit. I've gotten myself it to more drama then I wanted.

Marks pov

I hope shes ok, I don't want her mad at me.. suddenly, I herd a loud ringing in my ears. It was the bell for outdoors. both me and Jack have outdoor duty today. As I started suiting up and getting ready to go outside, he tapped my shoulder "hey, I got some news from boss I'll tell ya outside" as he walked out, I was wondering what it could be? We where walking together watching the inmates, when I asked him "hey what was that thing again?" He remembered and said "oh that thing! Yeah, boss says your fired" I laughed a bit "nice joke, but what's the real thing" he looked at me again "I'm not joking, look at the texts" he showed me his phone mad I just stood there so confused "I don't understand, I'm one one of his best men?" Jack crossed his arms "it's probably cause your fucking the inmates" he came up behind me "our under arrest for sexually insulting a criminal, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law" he walked you out to a truck that was already waiting. You where so confused and you didn't know what to do. But what you did know is that you had to see Y/n one more time.

Y/n pov
I woke up the next day, every thing was black, I could hear whispering.
"I don't want to do this"
"I need you too"
The second whisper was in a Irish accent, the first in a American. Something wasn't right.
You nudged a mouth gag out "Jack I swear if that is y-" some one put it back in "I'm sorry" the young guy said whispering in your ear, you knew it was Ethan at this point. You took a deep breath, a little bit more relieved. Ethan stood behind you with his hands on your shoulder. The blind fold got tighter around your head with every breath you made something got really close to your ear "Markimoo is gone now princess" his Irish accent strong "now I've got you all to m-" you herd a loud clang "sorry jack" the American accent said. He then untied your legs and hands and then in blinded you. you hugged him tightly "thank you so much" he hugged you back "let's get you out of this old closet" he open the door and made sure no one else was coming, no one was. You both stepped out and acted as natural as you could. "Y/N" you herd a voice call from behind you, you turned, it was coral! You and coral had been so close lately, she knew about the Mark stuff. Your smiled slowly lifted as you ran in to her arms and just hugged her. As she set you down she smiled in to your eyes just as you did hers. "How's my girl been" she said as you walked back to your cubby "not that great, Mark is in prison, I'm in prison and we can't see each other anymore" you sighed and sat down on your bed "it will be alright sweet pea" she said rubbing your back like a mother. You smiled at her as she got dragged away for being in the wrong area. You sighed watching her get taken away. As you went to grab something out of your side drawer, your cell mate came in extra happy. "Someone is peachy" you said watching her sit down on her bed smiling more then ever. She opened a letter in her hands and threw the ripped envelope. You picked it up and threw it out, just so you don't get in shit. "Who's that from?" she almost started crying while she read it. She set in down next to her, so you quickly snatched it up to read. "your getting out?" She smiled and stood up. Grabbing your hands she jumped up and down "this is amazing!" you closed you eyes and sighed "yeah Great" you sat down on your bed and sighed. "I still have so long" you laid back closing your eyes. "LIGHTS OUT!" a loud Swedish accent yelled as you silently cried yourself to sleep

"I miss you"

(short chapter wowie, sorry for not updating much, i'm trying my best)

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