Little Help from My Friends

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I was meant to be doing my homework. I had an essay due on Monday and I hadn't even made a start, but my mind was focused on other things. One of those things was my WattPad notifications. I love checking to see if I've received any comments or votes, and it makes me glad to know that people actually enjoy my work.

"It's mostly just fangirl-desires and stupid ramblings!" John teased me.

"Oh, shut up, you," I snapped. "People read it, so it's not entirely stupid."

"Maybe you've just got stupid readers."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What's up your arse?"

John pulled a hideous face and snapped his fingers. A fluffy white cloud appeared out thin air. He placed his hands on it, jumped and hauled himself up onto it. He then sat down with his legs crossed and smirked at me. I tried to ignore him and went back to checking my notifications. George peered over my shoulder, nosy as anything.

"I see you're still reasonably popular," he commented.

"Not really," I said. "Half the time, I don't know why I get views."

"Neither do we!" John called from his cloud couch.

I stuck my finger up at him. John just laughed and copied me.

"Idiot," I muttered.

"Isn't he just?" George said. He turned back to the laptop. "Hey! Look!"


George pointed at something on the screen. "There's a notification from Shae!"

"So there is!" I said. "Shall we see what's going on?"

George nodded enthusiastically. He's always liked Shae's stories and fanfiction.

"I hope she's all right," I murmured, clicking on the comment notification.

George heard me. His eyebrows shot up so they were almost completely concealed by his long fringe. "All right?" he repeated. "What do you mean by 'all right'?"

"I'd rather not tell you," I said. "Shae might not like me to say so."

"She might not like what?" a voice called from under my bed.

"Who's not talking?!" said another from the ceiling.

John rolled his eyes. "Macca's not talking because she doesn't want us to know her business. She's so secretive and cagey."

I winced. I hate it when people call me secretive and cagey, and John knew it. He was just trying to wear me down and get me to talk. Well, I wasn't going to, even if he was my friend.

The owners of the other two voices (David and Freddie) came out of their hiding places. Freddie commando crawled out from under my bed, and David came zooming down from the ceiling. Pretty soon, I had four rock stars crowded around me, trying to sneak a peek at my laptop screen.

"Who are you talking about?" Freddie asked.

"No one," I said quickly, reaching out to cover the screen with my hands.

"She's talking about Shae," said George. "She got a notification from her."

"Shae..." said David. "Isn't she the one who lives in Kansas?"

I turned to stare at him, one eyebrow raised. "Nebraska, you ninny. She's in Nebraska."

David didn't seem too fazed. "Kansas, Nebraska, same dif. And how am I meant to know where the bloody hell she lives? I don't know states! I'm British!"

"We're all British," John called out unnecessarily.

"I'm not," said Freddie, sounding a little offended. "Check your privilege."

"Oh, shut up, you queer-hole," John sneered.

"We're off the topic here!" George cried. He looked at me. "Macky-moo," (I especially hate it when he calls me that) "would you please tell us what's going on here?"

I stared up at George, then I scanned the other three guys' faces. They all looked genuinely worried - a little frightened, even. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know how I felt.

"Is everything okay?" George asked.

I just sighed and turned back to my computer, not bothering to answer.

"Macs," George said again. "Is everything okay?"

I still didn't reply. I just stared at the screen, completely motionless.

George draped an arm around my shoulders. "Love? Please tell us. Is everything okay?"

"I wish I knew..." I murmured.

(Shae? I hope you don't mind that I wrote this. I can always take it down. I'm just a bit worried about you. Is everything okay? You're my friend and I just want to help you in anyway I can. <3)

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