High as a Kite

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Nothing good will ever come out of spiking someone's drink, even if it was just for a laugh. John had thought it would be hilariously funny to drop a generous amount of LSD into Paul's coffee. So he did, set the drink on the table, and sat back to watch the show.

Paul arrived back in the room (after leaving to go to the bathroom) and settled himself back on the couch. He noticed John watching him with a huge grin on his face. Paul didn't pay much attention to this and picked up his drink, all set to take a sip.

"Here we go," John murmured.

"What was that, John?" Paul asked.

"Nothing," came the reply. "Nothing, Paulie."

Nothing spectacular happened for a good twenty minutes, then Paul's head started to loll. A big, sleepy smile spread across his face and his eyelids became droopy.

"Ah!" John thought. "Here we go."

"Johnny?" Paul said in a languid voice. "Johnny, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me," said John, hardly able to contain his laughter.

"You can't be John," Paul said, sounding frustrated. "John doesn't have a green face... Wait, no. Your face is purple... Now it's blue... What the hell?"

"Nah, I'm John. Believe me."

"Oh, of course you're John," Paul said, slurring his words a bit. "John was always such a handsome guy, and so hunky."

Wait. What? That wasn't supposed to happen!

"Paul?" John asked warily. "Are you okay?"

"I'm more than okay. I'm marvelous!" Paul giggled. "I'm as light as a feather... Hey, were there always monkeys on the walls?"

Oh God.

John leaned over and gave Paul a small pat on the shoulder. "Um, I think you should hop into bed, Paulie."

"What a good idea!" said Paul. "You can come to bed with me!"

"I'd rather not," John said awkwardly.

"Please, John? I'll make it worth your while." Paul paused and let out a loud belch. "Whoops! 'scuse me!"

John shook his head fondly. "You're high as a kite, ain't ya?"

"Yeah, and I fucking love it." Paul suddenly held his hand out in front of him. "Whoa... pretty, swirly colours..."

John nearly burst out laughing. Why was watching his friend, who was completely stoned out of his mind, so amusing?

"You really want this, Paul?" John asked, just to humour him.

"Ever so much, my Johnny," Paul said softly. "Bone me until I can barely stand up and walk."

"Hmm, maybe not that far, my lad." John leaned in until he was practically nose-to-nose with Paul. "I'll kiss you, though."

Paul wasn't even listening now. His eyes were droopier than ever and he began muttering weird half-rhymes to himself. "Twinkle, twinkle, baby rain... I'm a snail in the rain..."

John cracked up laughing. "What the fuck, Paul?!"

"Not so loud," Paul mumbled, shielding his face with his hands. "Too loud..."

"Sorry, Paulie, love."

"It's okay. Hey, John? Why do you have a butterfly where your lips should be?"

"Do I?" John said.

"I love butterflies," Paul drawled. "I love you, Johnny..."

Before John could react, Paul suddenly lurched forward, wrapped his arms around John's neck and forcefully pressed their lips together. John tried to back away quickly, but Paul was holding on too tightly despite his floppy state. John had to give in and let himself be kissed... and he kind of liked it.

"You're so cute," Paul mumbled, even though they were still in the middle of snogging.

"You're pretty cute yourself, my high little butterfly," said John.

"Fuck me, John... Just... Just take me to bed... Now."

For the first time in his life, John actually liked the idea of "loving" his best friend. He scooped Paul up in his arms and started off down the hall to his bedroom. Paul still had his arms wrapped around John's throat, kissing him rapturously.

"You actually want to do this?" John asked.

"I love you..." came the gabbled reply. "That's why I want this."

That was good enough for John. "You're beautiful, Paulie..."

"Am I?" Paul said, sounding dazed. "I thought you hated me. They all hated me. So much anger and hate. So much red. Too red. I want white. Pure light. That's right."

Paul went on burbling in a slurred, sleepy voice. In his mind he wasn't being carried around in John's strong arms. He was far away in a daydream world of his own. Kaleidoscope colours whirled and danced in front of his eyes. Everything felt, looked and smelled wonderful. Nothing was real, yet somehow it was... It felt like he was slipping in and out between reality and fantasy.

"Paul?" John said anxiously. "You okay?"

"I'm better, better. I really am. I'll be a good lover and a good brother and we'll be happy together... forever, Johnny. A family. My own family. It'll be lovely."

John laughed again and gently kissed Paul's forehead as he laid him down on the bed.

"I'd like to be up in the clouds," Paul said softly, half-singing and half-speaking. "I wanna fly... I'm floating, John. It's amazing. I feel like a bubble."

"I bet you do, my love."

"All the pretty flutter-byes... no, it's bubble-ties... no... butter-nutters and tinkle-bells... no, it's not... Lots of little bumble-pumble bees buzzing by... Buzz-buzz-buzz, they go..."

John smirked. "I love it when you talk dirty to me."

((What even is this?... Just a stupid brain-fart I had. It was also a story I wrote for Grace_Flowers12 as an entry for her Just Friends fanfiction contest. I hope you liked it!))

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