As Tears Go By (Beatles/Stones Mashup)

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"Come on, Bri! We're going to be late!"

"Give me a minute, Keith. It's not exactly easy for me to move, y'know!"

"The party's probably already started!"

"Oh, boohoo. You missed out on a few crescent rolls! How awful!"

Keith rolled his eyes and carried on walking. Brian had been particularly cranky these past few days and it was starting to get on his nerves. The tears, the tantrums, and the squabbles were getting to be just a bit too much. Keith mostly tried to keep his head down and stay out of Brian's way, but even that didn't seem to do much difference.

"Why are you so goddamn crabby all the time?" Keith called over his shoulder.

"Why do you think?" Brian snapped, then he added, "Arsehole!"

"Oi, Brian! Don't say stuff like that in front of Cassie!" Keith gestured to the small, blonde-haired girl sleeping peacefully in his arms. "You'll wake her up."

Brian looked ready to shout furiously at Keith, but he soon softened. He reached out and gently stroked Cassie's beautiful blonde locks, a small smile on his face. Keith smiled too. Then he gingerly took Brian's hand and the two of them wandered down the road until they reached their destination: 57 Green Street.

"When was the last time we saw your cousin Paul?" Keith asked.

Brian shrugged. "Probably when Cassie was only a newborn, and his Richie was barely two months old. So, yeah, it's been a long time."

"I heard that they have a new kid like us," said Keith.

"Hey, we don't have a new kid, not just yet," Brian pointed out. He sounded a little glum.

"Don't look like that, you soppy little whatsit," Keith said. He paused for a moment. "Are you happy, Brian? Are you happy with our life together?"

Brian stared at Keith like he was mad. "Of course I am. Why would you ask that?"

"I don't know," Keith mumbled, breaking his grip on Brian and shoving his hand in his back pocket. "It's just... The way you've been acting... I thought..."

"Thought what?"

"I thought you were upset because... because I knocked you up."

Brian cracked up laughing. "Don't be ridiculous, Keith! Why would I be upset about something like that?"

Keith mumbled something about Brian being cross all the time.

"That's what happens when you're up the duff, you silly git." Brian suddenly leaned into Keith, his head lolling on his lover's shoulder. "I'm sorry if I snap at you sometimes, love. I really don't mean anything horrid that I say to you. It's just I -"

"Brian?" Keith interrupted. "Shut up and stop being so adorable."

"No, you shut up," Brian said, giggling.

Keith grinned. "No! You shut up!"

Brian laughed. "Here's an idea. Let's both shut up and get to the party. Maybe then we'll be able to salvage some crescent rolls before Charlie gets to them."

"All right, just a tick."

Keith gently shook Cassie, who was just starting to stir. She opened her big, blue eyes and squinted in the sudden daylight. The smiling face of her father slowly shifted into focus. She grinned back sleepily at him. "Hi, Daddy," Cassie murmured. "Are we at the party yet?"

"Yes, we are, my love." Keith set his daughter on the pavement and took her tiny hand in his own. "Ready to play with Richie and Leo?"

Cassie didn't look so sure. "What if they don't like me?"

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