Day 1 of torture

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In the carrrrr. Yep I'm in the carrr. Going tooooo schooollll. In the carrrrr. Yeah im in the carrr.
"Hey! What was that for?"
"Well you were sleeping and we are at school."
"Really? I have to go find Jewel!"
I ran off before he could say anymore. Eventually i slowed down almost getting lost. Where is she? We said we were going to meet right!
"Hello, how is your day so far?"
"Don't do that to me!"
"Hahaha I'm just joking."
Right about after she said that a blonde kid I think I've seen before pops up.

S-"Hello may I beat your service?"
S-"shy type huh? Well heres my number. Know you want it so we can uh meet up and stuff."
He flipped his hair and put his hand on the locker leaning against it "cooly". Wait! I remember him. He is that kid who has been annoying me since the 1st grade! Oh sweet revenge.
K-" She doesn't want your number you nincompoop."
S-"haha. You jealous don't worry. I don't date boys."
With that he left mumbling something about other girls he must capture the hearts of. I turned to Jewel and we talked and at some point Cameron came and him and Jewel went to their 11th grade classes. I'm on my own now hopefully not anywhere neat Samuel.

Btw the photo above is jewels outfit.

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