The plan pt.1- Sorting the facts

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Kaila P.O.V:
   This is ridiculous. Their plan sucks like it's right out of a movie! WE ARE NOT IN A MOVIE!
"Yeah I'm pretty sure we know that Kaila."
"Oops!", I covered my mouth in embarrassment. We were currently in a hotel room due to my complaining being top notch.
"So that's whats going to happen.", Marcus finished.
"Wait what?", I am so confused...maybe I should've been listening...hehehe...
"Kaila come on I thought you were some smart nerd or whatever?", Samuel smirked at his comment.
"Ok 1. I'm a geek not a nerd! There's a difference! 2. Shut up 3. We need a different plan Marcus."
"Well what do you suggest?", Samuel keeps his mouth shut.
"I suggest we be...NINJAAAAAAAAAAAA!", I stand up doing a messed up ninja pose.
"No!", Marcus stands up while doing a ninja move with me.
"I challenge you great Marcus of the South!"
"As do I too you legendary Kaila of the East!"
"Hahaha you guys are stupid!"
"What do you have a plan Samuel?", I say his name in a ninja accent.
" Depends I'm just thinking kf combining your ideas."
"Do tell.", me and Marcus sut back down with Samuel.
"Gladly." ...made this reallyyyyyyyy short.... Anyways i only wrote this chapter well remembered or wasn't being lazy bc of @JuliePham246 harharhar she'll kill me but we are both already dead at least in our dieing....this is funny do to what we write in our google docs....ok bye for now you ugly cats who like to lick pineapples while being a clock!mention a usermention a usermention a user

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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