The room

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I woke up with and hand on my face and head on my back. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jewel's hand on my face. I took of her hand and tried to sit up. The head on my back I forgot about it. I twisted myself around so that the head was on my stomach instead. I was surprised to see it was Samuel's head. Aww he's kind've cute when he is sleeping and not talking. I slowly pulled his head off being careful to not wake him up. I stood up straight to examine my surroundings but it didn't last long because wherever we were i almost fell again. It was then that i saw two other bodies.
What am I even doing here? We must be in a moving vehicle. I squat trying to to fall anymore. I crawl over to the two other bodies to examine them.
"Where are we?"
What somebody is up? I turn around to see Samuel is up. Yes now I'm not alone here.
"I don't know where we are."I whisper to him. "But we are in some sort of vehicle."
"What why are you here Kaila?"
"I don't know? Why are any of us here?"
The vehicle stopped. What's going on now? I turn to Samuel to see him staring at the door standing up.
"When they open the door we run. Ok?"
"Wait but what about Jewel?"
"That's not main priority. If we can escape we can figure out a way to rescue her."
"Oh...ok then."
I stand up ready to run out. I'm not very athletic so high chance I might get caught but maybe just maybe if Samuel makes it then he can help the rest of the people in there.
The doors are open and we are running. Well Samuel is so far ahead i barely see him. Someone in black grabs my hand. I try to ripe free but resort to biting the hand. It let's go. I keep running. Samuel stopped running to wait for me.
  I catch up to him finally.
"Wow i didn't know you were that slow."
"Shut up."
"Hey I literally just rescued us from then."
"Yeah yeah ok."
We find a small park and bus stop store. Luckily we still had our money and belongings so they didn't rob us. We went into the store. It had all sorts of stuff. Like a mini Wal-Mart! I told him wat we needed exactly.
Small snacks that dont take up too much room
Ill get the disguises
Anything like electronics or stuff that might come in handy like compasses.
Meet me back at the hot dog place we will eat then head out with our disguises on.

I gave him the directions then went off to find disguises for us.

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