I'm a idiot

15 2 5

"Hey! Kaila! Hey! Wake up we are at you are retarded park."
"If you don't shut up I'll seriously hurt you."
"Oh. A threat. Feisty."
"That's funny like she could kill anyone."
I get up from my sleeping position. I then immediately glare at Samuel I mean like he deserves it.
"Where are we though?"
"Ask him because I don't know. He just told me to wake you up."
I look at him. Oh yeah we don't know his name yet.
"Oh yeah what is your name?"
"Well we haven't had a formal greeting yet I suppose. My name you may call me by is Marcus pleased to make your acquaintance.", he bows down in front of me.
"As am I, you may call me Kaila.", I courtesy to him. Oh ueah best day to wear a skirt!
"Well you are interesting that's for sure since you aren't getting mad about my trolling."
"Well you can't troll me since I can troll better than you even though I have no idea what it means."
Samuel decides then to speak up,"No she definitely trolls people no doubt about it."
I punch Samuel in the arm.
"Ow watch your anger."
"Watch your face."
"Haha she punched you!"
No wait no I'm getting distracted.
"Wait but guys why'd you wake me up?"
"Oh yeah tell her Marcus."
"I think we lost them..."
"What do you mean we lost them? That's not possible. If so we need to..."
"Kaila! Calm down let him finish!"
I look at Samuel for a moment with a apologetic look then look back at Marcus for him to continue.
"Before I had escaped I put a tracking device on the truck and one of the workers. So I have found their positions now all we need is a plan."
"Finally Kaila becomes useful."
"What? I'm always useful!"
"Yeah but now you can use that brain of yours to do something."
"? Wait what can she do or both of you I mean like your even younger than me I'll be responsible if anything happens. You guys can't help we need to go to the police actually."
"No! We don't! And we can do more than you think especially if you help us."
"Why would I do that?"
"Because you don't want us going in by ourselves do you?"

Hey I'm so so so (infinity so) sorry that I just left the book for that long. I actually was thinking that my book isn't actually that good but then I thought about everything i did in this and couldn't give it up. Yes I'm a huge idiot. If you know me and see me please slap me for my ignorance. But hey I updated also if you guys noticed anything happening with Samuel I did anyways goodnight or morning since its 2:36 am lol I can't sleep and was going to do this tomorrow but oh well and i probably messed up on something but once again oh well

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