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Today was the 8th consecutive NYR Casino Night. It looks like the boys had fun which is always good. Saw a pic of all the boys in their fancy suits on stage as they were calling each player and I have to say, the New York Rangers are legit Squad Goals😎❤️🙅🏻😂.
Nash attended Casino Night as you can see in the Squad Pic of Nash, Brass, and Zucc. Can't wait to get them back together😞😢.
Do you guys see that Zucc Flow though! That's legit hair goals💁🏻! It's bad when a boy has better hair then you (a girl)!😢😂😂.

Next game is Thursday in Pittsburgh then Friday in Washington. Great. Not only do we have a back to back game but that second game is vs the Capitals. Sooo, the Capitals are playing against a sleeping team? Let's hope that the Rangers get enough sleep to end the game with a win or a really close loss. Really need the win though! Lets Go Rangers!🔴⚪️🔵🔴⚪️🔵🔴⚪️🔵🔴⚪️🔵

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