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"okay, okay," James laughed, "I know, it was funny, but we should calm down now."
Sirius, who had joined them a couple days before (along with Peter), was rolling on the floor laughing.
Jesse suddenly turned around from staring out the window with a confused look on her face.
"wait... what happened?" She asked.
Suddenly the four boys burst out laughing again as she just stared at them, confused, before she started laughing because they were laughing.
"Don't worry, J." Remus shook his head as he wiped away tears from laughing so hard.
"Its my birthday tomorrow." Jesse had a cheeky look on her face.
"Really?" the four boys looked surprised.
"nope, just kidding."
The five friends decided to go into Diagon Alley, and they were going to meet Chaos and Pheonix there.
They were walking along the main road of Diagon Alley when they met up with Chaos and Pheonix. The three girls talked for a bit before Chaos went over to talk to Remus.
James, Sirius and Peter watched as Jesse walked in front of them (Remus and Chaos went to look at books) and James thought about how far she'd come, getting through all the bulling, going from the broken girl to more laid back and casual. He thought about how if anybody tried to hurt Jesse, he would probably punch them, because nobody hurts his 'little sister' (that's what he thought of her as).
Jesse and Pheonix chatted away as they walked ahead, before turning towards the icecream shop. The five of them (Jesse, Pheonix, James, Sirius and Peter) sat at a table, and Jesse got everyone's order before going up to the counter to order.
As Jesse was waiting in line, a guy came up to her. He had tanned skin, and was tall with dark messy hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a black backward snapback and had a black t shirt and grey jeans on.
"Hey, getting icecream?" He asked as he stood next to her.
"Yeah. Are you?" Jesse smiled at him.
"Mm hmm. Those your friends?" He gestured to James, Peter and Sirius (who were all glaring at him) and Pheonix, who grinned at them.
"Yep," Jesse laughed, "I'm Jesse, by the way."
"Eli." He laughed too, "Your friends seem very overprotective."
"Yeah. I love them though.... hey, you should join us, you seem cool." Jesse smiled at Eli.
"Hmm, I can't stick around for too long, but okay, if your friends don't mind." Eli chuckled.
"They won't mind." Jesse grabbed the icecreams and then waited for Eli to get his before they walked over to the table.
"Guys, this is Eli. He's cool, be nice." Jesse sent a look to the guys before she plopped down next to Pheonix, and Eli sat on the other side of her.
Remus and Chaos appeared suddenly, but something was different.
They were laughing and talking like usual, but this time they were holding hands.
"GUYS! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! MY SHIP IS SAILING!!" Jesse jumped up and squished the two into a massive hug.
Once she let go, the others saw that Remus and Chaos were both blushing loads.
Suddenly James realised what was happening and cheered loudly, before getting up and patting Remus on the back.
"YAY!" Sirius yelled, along with Peter, and Eli grinned at the couple.
"Oh yeah, Remmy, Chaos, this is Eli. Eli, this is Remus and Chaos." Jesse pointed at them all respectively.
"Hi!" the three said in unison, before everyone burst out laughing.
The eight teens strolled along, talking and laughing, Eli, Pheonix and Jesse were up the front, talking and laughing, then slightly behind them was Remus and Chaos, and a little behind them was James, Sirius and Peter, who were planning a prank.
The atmosphere was happy and bright, until they saw that dark cloud appear, and a group of people stepped out from a dark alley.
James, Sirius, Remus, Peter and Chaos heard something that worried them all.
A scream, and Eli, Pheonix, and Jesse were gone.
ooh, cliffhanger.
sorry I haven't updated in so long, and I'm sorry this is short, but I'll try to update again soon.
I'm back on track with what I want to happen, so I'm gonna go with that and hopefully chapters will be updated more often.
Thanks for being fabulous,

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