Chapter 6

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Royals are coming

Emma's POV

The time was nice to be out into the open the Captain of the Jolly Rodger always kept me insight. He was wonderful to me for a pirate. Emma focus he is a pirate and you are a princess. You cant think he is wonderful. Like his ocean blue eyes and his dark hair. His jawline was perfect. Emma enough he is a pirate. I had drifted off  to sleep and woke up in my bed back home.

"Emma, My dear look at me." I heard my mother say.

"Mom where am I?" I ask her.  

"Your home baby." She says to me.

"What do you mean home. What happened where are the pirates that were helping me?" I ask her.

"They are fine being rewarded for saving you." She says.

"Can I tell Hook goodbye?" I ask her.

"Emma. No you cant." My dad says walking in.

"What have you done to him?" I ask.

"Emma, Hook is gone. After you broke you curses something happened and well Regina got him. Then Zelena got him. Then Rumplestitskin got him." She says to me.

"Then the all decided to punish you by taking him away to be killed later this week." My dad says.

"Do something." I say to him.

"Im sorry Emma, but no. Royals are on there way. Princes come near and far to marry you." He says.

"What no!" I say.

"Emma its for the best." My mother says.

"What happened to my curses. How did they break? How did this happen?" I ask them.

"Thats not important. Now get dressed the suitors will be here soon." My mom says.

They both walked out and I got dressed and then my window opened and two men came inside.

"Wanna save Hook come with us." One says.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Im August or other people call me Pinocchio. The wicked witch stole my Lily and I have to get her back." He tells me.

"And him?" I ask.

"Im Robin Hood. I see great good in Regina and if she feels the same maybe she will let Hook go." He says.

"And her? Who is she?" I asked pointed at the girl climbing in.

"Thats Belle she can find away around Rumplestilitskin. So you want in." Robin asks.

"Why help me?" I ask them.

"You dont remember do you. We met you at the dark sea. If it wasnt for you or Hook we would have been goners." August says.

"Come on lets go. Im sure once we save Lily and Hook and get Regina and Rumple to be better people. Hook will tell you everything you've forgotten." Belle says.

"But we have to go now or you will never see him again." Robin says.

I changed into a more adventurous outfit and made my way out the window with them.

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