My Little Genius (SteveXTony)

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Summary: Rogers was relatively old and being introduced to the new world of all of a sudden makes Tony worry that he won't know how to use technology.

Third Person's POV

"Hey Cap!" Tony called out, walking into Roger's floor on the tower with his eyes fixated on a Stark pad he had in his hands. He turned the tablet off and glanced up just to be astonished at what he saw before him. Rogers was leaning back against the sofa with a laptop on his knees with earphones in his ears.

The Captain realised that Stark was in the room and pulled out the buds out of his ears, "Did you need anything?"

"A-am I dreaming?" Stark whispered to himself, placing his palm on the right side of his face. "Or is Captain America using a laptop without it burning down or exploding?"

Rogers raised an eyebrow clearly unamused, he closed the laptop screen and placed it aside. "Stark I may be old but I still have a brain"

"B-but that's impossible!" Tony said aghast, if anything he looked like he was going to faint. The genius put down the Stark pad on the coffee table. "Where'd you get the laptop?"

"You gave it to me" Steve frowned, still not moving from his position.

"Did I...?" Tony trailed off and then plopping himself down next to Steve, "What were you doing? And what the hell were you listening to?"

"I was just browsing" Steve chuckled, "And to answer your second question I was listening to music Stark"

Stark now looked like he just had a nervous breakdown, he glanced up at Steve who only just smiled fondly at him. "How the hell do you know how to use a laptop?"

This time Rogers hit him on the shoulder, Tony pouted and winged, "I'm not an idiot Stark, even if I didn't know how to use it, I would have figured it out sooner or later. It's not exactly rocket science"

The genius moved his hand over to the laptop and opened it up, Steve was just reading the news and surprisingly had Twitter up. Stark then quickly shut the laptop and breathed, "Okay so first thing is you know how to use a laptop and secondly, HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW HOW TO USE TWITTER!?"

Steve cringed at how loud he was and placed a hand over Stark's mouth to stop him from screaming and complaining. Soon Tony died down and he removed his hand away from his mouth, "You're the one that created the account. So don't blame me for using it"

"That was because I didn't think you would actually use it" Stark said still rather traumatized by the whole ordeal, "If I knew I would have followed you"

Stark then opened up the laptop again to look at what Steve actually posted on twitter, he clicked on the home page and scrolled through it. It was mostly just kind tweets from fans but then he saw a shirtless photo of the Captain. Although that was Clint that posted it, Rogers had replied to it and unsurprisingly got thousands of retweets and likes.

"Is Twitter the only thing you have?" Stark flushed from the photo, Steve noticed that Stark was red but found it rather adorable so he just laughed.

"No" Came the curt reply, "Since you practically made an account for everything, I use everything"

Tony then took out his phone and followed Steve on every form of social media that he had. "Everything?"

"Yes everything, not as much as vine and YouTube but it'll suffice" Steve smiled softly, Tony then pulled up screens that showed all the social media accounts that Steve had. Steve just watched quietly as Stark swiped through everything.

"You even have Snapchat? Like damn" Tony muttered, he then turned to face Rogers. "Steve I'm actually proud of you"

Rogers gave him a blank look and rolled his eyes, "Thanks..."

"I mean like you've got to give kudos to yourself, this is amazing. I thought you would have zero ideas on how to use any of these" Stark gaped, Rogers sighed and shook his head.

"For the last time I have a brain" Rogers repeated, Stark then looped his arms around Steve and nuzzled into his neck. "What are you doing now?"

"Just admiring my little genius" Tony smirked, while Rogers just once again rolled his eyes.

AN: Sorry for the long ass wait guys, hopefully this was ok. I just wanted to get something up <3

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