Let's Go On A Date? (ThorxBruce)

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AN: Dis is a prompt and I can already tell this chapter is going to be short because I don't write these two and not familiar with the ship, so I'm super sorry!!

I also wanna write a reed900 fanfic from Detroit Become Human, but I have so much unfinished work lol.

Also remember that Instagram thing, the account is @stark.apk, follow if you want!!

Summary: Thor and Bruce admitted that they liked each other on the Grandmaster's ship but remained friends for a rather long time.

Third Person's POV

"Alright, I may share feelings for you." Thor admitted casually as he sat in the passenger's seat of the ship. Both Valkyrie and Bruce Banner turned their heads to draw their attention to the God.

"Who are you talking to? Because if it's me, I'm jumping off this ship." Valkyrie raised an eyebrow, her mind wondered off to the location of the nearest alcohol bottle.

"Bruce of course, not that you aren't a lovely person." Thor said as they neared Asgard, Bruce blinked in disbelief. He had never had anybody 'like' him in that manner before, Thor of all people as well.

"I-I think I like you too." Bruce said almost too quickly, he flushed red in embarrassment.

"I think I'm going to barf." Valkyrie rolled her eyes, "Can you two talk about this later? We're nearing Asgard." She was right, they needed to speak of this matter some other time.

A couple of months later Thanos attacked and by that time the two still never pursued a further relationship. Sure they got closer, talked more and were always in each other's company but they weren't dating. Even after Thanos, they still never pushed their relationship further.

"Okay no, you have to ask him out." Tony Stark shook his head in disbelief as he heard his friend talk about their relationship. "You can't just sit around and wait for something to happen."

"I like what we have now though." Bruce muttered as he tilted his head to one side. Tony just shook his head vigorously then took a hold of his friend's face in his hands.

"Yeah, but do you want to fuck?"

"I-I don't think that really-"

"Do you want to fuck?" Tony said a little more sternly and even moved his face closer towards the other man.

"People can still fuck even if they're not in a relationship."

"Have you fucked him?"


"You'll never kiss him at this rate either." Tony shrugged as he pulled away, "But if that's what you want, sure, be best friends with him." The brunette kept his shoulders raised as he walked towards his workbench. Bruce felt his heart sink a little.

Tony was right, at this rate Bruce was never going to kiss him.

"But what do I do?"

"Dude, just ask him out on a date!" Stark rolled his eyes and added a loud groan to the sentence. "And there's no way in hell Thor is going to reject you anyway."

A couple of days later Bruce decided that he would have nothing to lose if he were to ask, he found Thor lounging around on the couch whilst watching television. The God looked adorable to say the least, strands of hair touched the tops of his eyebrows and his eyes were completely focused on the TV.

"Thor, I got to ask you something." Bruce called out and watched as the blonde sat up and made eye contact with him.

"Of course, go right ahead." Thor beamed and even motioned for the doctor to come sit next to him. Bruce followed him up on that offer and sat closely beside the God.

"D-Do you wanna possibly go on a date? I mean...we've put it off for so long." Bruce whispered as he glanced up briefly, he felt a comforting hand on his thigh.

"I was waiting for you to ask." Thor answered, his voice a little softer this time as if to reassure the man. "I thought maybe you didn't see me in that manner anymore."

"No, god no. You're perfect." Bruce said as he stared at his friend from head to toe. Thor continued to smile. "I don't really know any good places though."

"I'm sure whatever you choose will be fine, after all I haven't spent a long time on Earth to experience its many cuisines." The two made eye contact once again before the God shifted closer to shorten the distance between them.

They kissed, although short it made both parties rather happy. Bruce hated that Tony was right, if he never asked Thor out he doubted that they would have kissed.

But he didn't regret a single thing.

AN: aaa is shitty chapter, pls don't attack me. 

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