Can't Lose You (StarkxStrange)[INFINITY WAR SPOILERS]

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AN: Anyway here's a StrangexTony because they were cute in the film. Also here's a list of what's to come.

2 prompts (PLEASE LEAVE ME MORE. I'm at a time right now where I am clear of any prompts and will probably do all of them!! If you have requested any in the past or have requested any in the past but I never did please leave me more!! I'm like free as heck rn). Probably more T'ChallaxClint and maybe a Super Family one?

Also I sketched Tony and I just attached it to this chapter. I'm really shitty at drawing but I was like, hey, why not. OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH TALKING <3

Summary: The real reason why Strange sacrificed the time stone for Stark.

Third Person's POV

"No, you need to leave and take that stupid stone with you." Tony Stark growled as he clasped the other man's shoulder. Stephen Strange narrowed his eyes and pushed Stark's arm away as he continued to walk towards the door of the Sanctum. "That fucking thing is what Thanos wants right?! So why are you giving him the opportunity to take it from you?"

"Stark, it is my duty to protect Earth as much as you." Strange stated and paused as the building shook once again. "The stone stays with me." Stark scowled and decided to leave the conversation for now. He opened the doors to the Sanctum and saw the damage that has been done so far.

People were screaming and running, cars collided into buildings and into light poles. Stark put on his glasses and examined the readings that came through. FRIDAY couldn't identify what the threat was but Stark kept walking towards the danger with Strange closely behind.

The genius stopped as he saw the giant spaceship in front of them. Strange stepped in front and casted a spell before he winked at Stark. The brunette frowned and shook his head as he saw two aliens walk towards them.

"Stephen, I'm not going to ask you again. Leave, please." Stark's voice was more desperate this time around. He took off his glasses and his suit slowly assembled around his body. "Banner, Wong and I will handle this."

"Are you asking me to leave because of the stone or because of our relationship?" Strange questioned as he readied himself to fight. Stark gave no response as he charged straight into the battle.


"Are you alright?" Stark asked as he helped the Doctor to his feet. "Well I suppose you can thank me now."

"Thank you for what? For nearly blasting me to space?" Strange scoffed as he stepped away from his partner. Stark let out a heavy sigh and dissembled his suit as he walked towards the giant panels of the foreign space ship.

"I told you to leave and now we're here! Going to god knows where." Stark raised his voice as he studied the technology.

"Do you know how to turn this thing around?"

"We've come too far to turn back now." Stark muttered, Strange narrowed his eyes and stepped towards the other man.

"One minute you want the time stone as far away from Thanos and now you want to bring it to him?!" Strange snapped as they stood inches apart.

"That thing is our best chance at beating him, so we may as well." Stark stated. "I-I'll formulate a plan and-"

"Oh for Christ's sake. Stop trying to act like a hero." Strange scoffed and turned his back on the other man.

"I'm sorry?!" Stark muttered and stared at the man in disbelief. "I'm trying to save our asses, I'm trying to save the entire world! None of this is me acting like a god damn hero." He quickly escalated to shouting. He heard the doctor sigh before the man turned around once again.

"Fine. But Tony if it comes down to the stone, him, even you know I can't risk that much." Strange's voice softened as he addressed the genius and pointed at Parker who stayed silent the entire time.

"I get it." Stark whispered and glanced at the holograms once again, "J-Just don't do anything stupid."


Stark gasped as his own blade pierced his side. He glanced down at the damage before he weakly looked towards Thanos once again. Stark panted for air as he tried his best to stay conscious. He wasn't sure what Thanos said to him but he watched as the Titan raised his gauntlet at him.

The brunette wondered if this was it, where he was going to die. He turned his head as he heard Strange's voice.

"Stop! Spare his life and I'll give you the stone." The doctor shouted, Stark's eyes fluttered.

"Don't." Stark whispered weakly, "Don't!"

"No tricks." Thanos boomed and watched as Strange summoned the stone and handed it over. The Titan grinned as he placed the stone on the gauntlet and left before Quill could attack him.

Stark watched as the nanobots that formed the blade disappeared and presented the open wound. He sprayed the wound with a healing agent and breathed.

"Are you alright?" Strange panicked as he rushed over to Stark's side. The doctor studied the severity of the wound and let out a sigh of relief as Stark's spray quickly worked.

"Why?" Tony muttered, Strange hesitantly touched his hand and gripped it.

"I couldn't lose you." The doctor admitted as he bowed his head, "No matter the cost I couldn't lose you." The genius shut his eyes momentarily and weakly gripped the other man's hand back.

"What are we going to do? Our only chance and we lost it." Stark asked and coughed. Strange briefly jolted forward to check on his partner.

"We'll win. What I saw when we won, it involved you. You'll save us Tony." Strange reassured, "And if you had died just then, all would have truly been lost."

"Jeez, thanks for not putting pressure on me." Stark managed a weak smile as he stared into the other man's eyes. "Is it supposed to hurt this much?"

"Getting stabbed? Yes, I would know." Strange joked along, Stark continued to smile. "I may not say it a lot but I do care for you Tony."

"Are you incapable of saying 'I love you' for once?"

"You know that's what I mean."

Stark scoffed, "I love you too you idiot." 

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