Survival (StevexClint) [CYS 5/???]

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AN: fucck, I'm back and alive. I just finished all my major exams and now I am completely done with high school. So hopefully I can get back into writing and stuff.

Summary: Caught up in a mission, Rogers has to make a hard decision to ensure everyone's survival. 

Third Person's POV

C: "I thought you two didn't get along that well. What's with the sudden change?"

Steve asked the question as he kept his composure as calm as possible. He wasn't even sure why he felt this way, he didn't like Clint. The younger man had the right to date anybody he wanted, he wasn't indebted to Rogers.

"We don't." Barton scoffed as he pushed himself off the examination table, for a brief second Steve felt a wave of relief. "But," Here comes the but, "He's become more tolerable these days. Looking out for me here and there like you."

The older man blinked at the mention of him. He wasn't sure what to make of the statement and remained silence. Clint stared at the bandages that wrapped his arm and looked as if he were about to say something.

"Hey." Barton mumbled and caught Steve's attention once again. "T-Thanks for stitching me up."


The thought came to him and lingered. He wasn't sure how to respond, Clint had never been particularly kind.

"You looked like you were going to bleed out if I didn't." He managed a breathless laugh as he licked his lips. There was an awkward silence between them, Clint shuffled his feet before he decided to speak up once again.

"I should probably talk to Tony. Better get that lecture over and done with."

Steve just smiled and nodded once. "Good luck." Was the only thing that came to mind. When Clint left, he couldn't help but feel that perhaps he should have said something else.

Speed up a week or two and he found his relationship with the sniper seemingly easier. Clint was more willing to hold a conversation with him and acted less distant. He was glad that it was this way.

"So you and Clint huh?" Tony Stark smirked as the two were alone in the kitchen one day. Steve couldn't help but feel that the other might have been frustrated at their sudden closeness. "Not gonna lie, I didn't think either of you would ever get along. You're like opposite sides of a coin."

"Why? What's wrong?" He couldn't help but get a little defensive.

"Nothing. He likes you a lot, so take care of him yeah?"


Nothing could have ever prepared him for that statement. His lips were left ajar as he tried to find the right words to respond with.


"You can decide what you do with that information." Stark chuckled as he poured himself a cup of coffee, "Don't tell him I told you that though. He might actually stab me over it."


"Here I thought all he wanted was to put a bullet in my head." Rogers scoffed as he crossed his arms across his body.

"You like him too don't you?"

He felt the heat rise to his cheeks, "Tony..."

"You're both adults you know. You can ask each other out."

"What about you?"

"What about me?" Tony smiled, Steve hated that he couldn't read him.

"Don't you have feelings for him?"

The genius chuckled as he took a sip from his coffee. "I don't think I can take his shitty attitude for more than ten minutes but you've had a positive change on him." Stark paused for a moment, "But I'm not going to force anything upon you both."


"Cap you got two coming down your left."

Stark's voice rang in his earpiece. The soldier turned his head and slammed his shield against an assailants head then a harsh kick into the other's chest. He quickly examined the area before he continued to make his way down the hall.

"At this rate we'll never get out of here." He huffed as he continued to run.

"Give me another five minutes."

More HYDRA agents stormed in, he ducked behind the wall and asked himself how he was going to get out of this alive. Suddenly an arrow flew past him and pierced a man's neck, he glanced upwards and saw Barton on a nearby ledge.

"Thank me later." The younger man smirked.

Rogers rolled his eyes but took the opening. He threw his shield and simultaneously knocked out three men.

"If we give it five more minutes, we'll all be dead." Rogers stressed and slammed his knee against somebody's neck.

"Alright, I got it. Get out of here now!"

That was all the cue the entire team needed to evacuate the building. Barton jumped down from the ledge and landed by Rogers as they tried to dodge enemy cover. As they ran the soldier noticed something astray and pulled them both underneath line of cover.

"You're hurt." He gritted out and examined the younger man's body for any signs of wounds.

"I'm fine." The younger man gritted out, but he was obviously not fine. Sweat ran down the side of his head and his face paled. Rogers then noticed the stab wound on Clint's shoulder. "Don't fucking worry about it. We need to get out of here."

"If we move, you're just going to lose more blood."

"Rogers? Where the hell are you?"

Romanoff's voice pierced through the intercoms. He brought his finger to the earpiece and spoke.

"I need backup, Barton's injured."

"Shit. Alright, hold on. We'll be there soon."

He kept a firm hold against the younger man's shoulder to stop the bleeding. Suddenly he saw armed men coming from the other side. They pointed their weapons and the both of them and readied themselves to fire.

"Get out of here now Rogers." Clint hissed. His eyes snapped around the room, "We're surrounded and I doubt the other guys will be here on time."

He couldn't leave Clint but he also knew that there was very well a large risk of dying. He bit his lip, he didn't have much time to think.

A: Stay by Clint's side until the Avengers come. (79% chance of Barton's survival but 21% chance of yours)
B: Leave and try to redirect enemy attention elsewhere. (81% chance of your survival, 19% chance of Barton's)

AN: lmfao have fun. 

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