War (TonyXClint)

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AN: HAS CIVIL WAR COME OUT FOR YOU GUYS IN AMERICA YET? HAVE YOU WATCHED IT YET? CAN I DO CHAPTERS ON CIVIL WAR WITHOUT PEOPLE COMPLAINING YET? Screw it doing IronHawk, because they're like my favourite ship and they were cute in this movie. I guess this is what you call one of those 'fix-it' chapters.

Also I got a new laptop and I'm not used to this keyboard yet, so excuse any mistakes.


Summary: With the government trying to put the Avengers in check, each Avenger has to choose a side. And with that causes problems between relationships.

Third Person's POV

"You went with Rogers?!" Stark screamed over the phone, Barton winced and pulled the phone away from his ear momentarily. "What the hell is wrong with you?! So what? Everything between us is suddenly over?"


"Don't start, I don't want to hear your bullshit reasoning. I'm done with you, we're done! You were the last person I could trust in this whole thing" And with that the call ended, Clint sighed and threw the phone on the ground. He sunk back against the wall and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He hated this, he hated this war and he absolutely hated having to choose between his closest friends.

(AN: I sort of just want to bring up the fact that the reason Clint joined Cap was because Cap called dibs XD but that wouldn't fit in this chapter lmao)


Clint knew there was no way to reason with Tony over the phone, he had to talk to him personally. That of course meant breaking into the Avengers headquarters where Stark had been staying in this whole ordeal. He snuck by Vision who seemed to be "Sleeping" and manoeuvred his way to Stark's room. He opened the door and was surprised at the fact Tony stood there in front of him with his arms crossed, Barton sighed and closed the door behind him.

"You knew?" Clint asked, leaning against the door.

"Please" Tony scoffed, "I have cameras all over this place, I saw you coming from a mile away. Which leads me to my next question, what the hell do you want?"

"We need to talk"

"No I need to arrest you"

"Just listen! I have my reasons for going with Steve!"

"Please don't give me a dumb answer and say he called dibs" Stark rolled his eyes, stepping closer towards Clint. Barton laughed nervously and looked around absently.

"Well I mean technically he call-" Stark slammed his hand against the door just missing Barton's head which quietened the young archer down.

"Talk" Stark practically ordered him, Clint had never seen Tony be so intimidating but then again given the circumstances, it makes sense.

Clint exhaled and stopped smiling, "You need to get it through your ego that you're wrong for once"

Stark scowled and clenched his fist, "How am I wrong?! I'm doing what's best-"

"No! You're doing what's best for your damn selfish self! You think siding with the government is going to fix anything? Yes people have died but sometimes there has to be sacrifice!"

"What would you know about guilt? Huh?! You fucking kill people for a living!" Stark snapped, Clint growled and grabbed Stark by the scruff of his shit and yanked him forward.

"What do you take me for? Some heartless son of a bitch?! Steve is fighting for what is right! We've saved humanity more times than they can count and you're willing to just throw all that aside?" Barton said in a low tone and shoving Stark away.

"More people will die if we don't sign this"

"You don't understand, if we're on a leash and the government can't handle threats coming their way. More people will die" Clint reasoned, Stark practically had enough and punched the archer in the face. Barton stumbled back but didn't bother defending himself as Stark threw more punches, Tony soon shoved him up against the wall. "Why'd you stop, end me if you really want, I'm not going to bother fighting you"

"Clint...please, it's not too late" Tony frowned, trying to reason one more time. Barton scoffed and suddenly kicked him back. The archer placed his hand on the door handle and glanced at Stark one more time.

"I'd rather die than join you" Barton spat, then leaving the room.


The next time the two saw each other was on the battle field itself, Stark couldn't tell who was winning and everyone was pretty evenly matched. Stark shot at Steve who quickly deflected with his shield and throwing it straight at Tony, Tony dodged it but got hit when the shield came flying back. Before Stark could make more shots, a surge of electricity caused his suit to malfunction. Stark saw the arrow wedged into his upper left arm. Rogers took advantage of that distraction and ran to find Bucky.

"You can't take me Clint" Stark said, pointing his repulsors at the archer. Barton smirked and pressed a button on his bow, then quickly pulling out an arrow and shooting at Stark. Stark dodged it and smirked to himself but before he could make a snide comment, an EMP wave hit.

The suit started to turn off and the archer made a run for it.

"Friday! How soon can we get the suit started again?" Tony panicked as he hit the floor with a crash, moments later his suit turned back on again. "Thanks, now to find that son of a bitch"

As soon as Stark found the archer he didn't know what to expect, he was in the middle of fighting Black Panther. T'challa took heavy swipes at him and then did a round house kick which knocked Barton back against the side of a truck. Tony knew what was going to happen next but before he could stop it, it was too late. T'challa shoved his claws into the archer's sides, Barton gasped and shut one eye in absolute agony. T'challa pulled his claws out and Stark immediately shot at the panther.

The other man stumbled back but before he could defend himself, Tony struck him with his unibeam which kept him down. Tony's mask came off as he went to check on the bleeding archer who was losing a lot of blood. Stark panicked and his breathing grew uneven, he touched Clint on the side and the archer whimpered.

"C-Clint, j-just stick with me ok? I-I'll get help" Tony whispered, the whole fight died down with Rogers watching in absolute shock in the quinjet. Barton grew quiet and Tony frowned, his hand starting to shake. "Clint...?"

Barton looked at him weakly and managed to crack a small smile, "I'm sorry..."

"Don't talk, help is on their way"

"I'm sorry...for what I said...I shouldn't-"

"I know, just shut up please!" Stark begged, trying his best to slow down the bleeding. Wilson then ran towards Barton's side with paramedics on the scene. Rhodey walked up and pulled Tony away from Clint. "Let go Rhodes!"

"Tony, he's-"

"If you say he's not going to fucking make it, I will end you Rhodes" Tony said in a low tone as the rest of his suit peeled away from his body and stacked into a case next to Tony. Then going after the paramedics. 

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