Chapter 5

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Kenzie's POV

Route 2 was a small route next to a rushing river, and there was tall grass almost everywhere. "So, where are most of the wild Pokémon?" Winter asked Charlie. The boy replied, "They normally like to hide in that tall grass." He pointed at the dark grass in front of us. "I want to catch something!" Winter announced excitedly. "Me too!" I nodded. I looked at Piper. "Want to catch a new friend?" "Eevee!" Piper responded with gleaming eyes. I laughed and we both ran into the tall grass. Winter began battling a wild Scatterbug while I found a Poochyena. It looked up at me with blazing eyes and snarled, snapping its jaws. I checked my Pokédex. It's a female, I thought, and knows Howl and... Thunder Fang?! Wow! I put away the Pokédex and ordered Piper to use Sand Attack. Piper turned around, facing me, and kicked up a large cloud of sand at the wild Poochyena. The Dark type's ears twitched and she shook her head, getting sand in her eyes. "Good, now use Tackle!" I ordered. Piper raced towards Poochyena and tackled her down. The wild Pokémon fell over, then got back up and used Thunder Fang. She scored Piper's leg, making Piper squeal with pain and pull away. But then, she was paralyzed. "Uh-oh!" I exclaimed. "Are you okay?" Piper nodded, but her fur began sparking, and she frowned. The Poochyena used Howl, then Thunder Fang again. But before she could get close to Piper, I ordered, "Growl!" My Eevee let out a somewhat fierce growl—weakened due to the paralysis (a paralyzed Pokémon wasn't all intimidating)—and lowered the Poochyena's Attack stat. "Now Tackle!" I shouted. Piper nodded and got up, pausing for a second when she sparked, then ran towards Poochyena slowly. She still hit hard, though, and the Dark type fell over. Quick as a flash, I took out an empty Poké Ball and shouted, "Go, Poké Ball!" as I threw the device at the Poochyena. The Pokémon was hit and brought into the ball. It shook three times, then glowed. Happily, I skipped over to the Poké Ball in the grass and picked it up. "Yay! I caught her!" I announced joyfully. I looked over to see Charlie using a Paralyze Heal on Piper. She nodded gratefully to him, licked his chin, then raced over to me. She looked up eagerly, waiting for me to release my new Pokémon. I smiled and pressed the release button, letting out my Poochyena. "Hi there," I greeted her, kneeling down. The Pokémon stared at me, then sniffed my hand and licked it. Piper hopped over to the Dark type and said, "Eve! Eevee Eevee!" "Pooch, Pooch Poochyena," my Poochyena replied to her. I thought of a nickname for the bite Pokémon, then glanced at her eyes. They were scarlet. Hmm... "Your name will be Scarlett," I announced. The Poochyena—now named Scarlett—panted happily and nuzzled my hand. I stroked her fur, then took out her Poké Ball and recalled her. A red light came from the ball and brought her back. "Nice name," Charlie complimented me. "Thanks," I responded. We both looked up when Winter approached us, holding a Poké Ball. "I caught a Scatterbug and named him Dusty!" she announced joyfully. Charlie and I stood up and congratulated her, then went on our way to the Santalune Forest. But then, we are stopped by a youngster who looked at Winter. "You!" he shouted. "I wanna battle!"

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