Chapter 7

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Charlie's POV

We entered the lush, beautiful Santalune Forest. Fletchling tweeted overheard, and I could heard faint noises from Pokémon like Pikachu, Panpour, Pansage, Pansear, and more. What a peaceful place, I thought to myself, it's perfect for training. "I wonder what Pokémon are around here!" Winter wondered. "Fennekin," Amber nodded her agreement. "Well, let's go find out!" Kenzie smiled widely. "Eevee!" Piper yipped. The two girls raced ahead. I jogged after them at a somewhat slower pace. I remember when I first came through here with my friends, I thought, remembering all of those old times. But now, everyone was gone. They either left or became famous. Suddenly, there was a shout. "No! Piper! Give her back!" It was Kenzie. I panicked and quickly raced towards the source of the shouts. I ran through some undergrowth and appeared in a clearing. Kenzie was looking around furiously. "Hey! You jerks!" she fumed. "Where did you go?! Give Piper back!" She was about to run before I caught her. "Kenzie! What happened?" I asked. My friend looked at me with wide, oddly colored eyes. "Some idiots in black suits came and stole Piper," she snapped. "We have to get her back!" I nodded. "Of course! Where's Winter?" "Here!" We both looked to see our friend poke her head out of some bushes. Amber leaped off her shoulder and looked around. "Kin? Kin!" she called out for Piper. But no response came. "What happened?" Winter asked. "Someone stole Piper!" Kenzie replied, making Winter gasp. "We have to find them!" Winter announced. "Yeah... but they pushed me over and I don't know which direction they went," Kenzie confessed. "Oh man..." "Don't worry about it!" I said calmly. I then took out a Poké Ball from my belt and released a Pokémon. "Come on out, Robin!" Then, my loyal Talonflame was in front of me. He squawked and flapped his speckled wings, lifting him off the ground. "Wow! You have a Talonflame?!" Winter stared. "Cool!" "Thanks," I smiled before looking at Talonflame. "Listen, buddy. Some guys stole my friend's Eevee and we have to find them. They were wearing black suits. Can you find them?" "Talonflame!" Robin responded with a nod before flying into the air. Kenzie frowned with worry for her starter. I put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry," I reassured her. "We'll find Piper. Robin is really trustworthy." Kenzie looked at me, then nodded. "Alright."

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