Chapter 8

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Winter's POV

It wasn't long until we heard constant squawking from Charlie's Talonflame. It was circling something far away. We could hear shouts from men drowned out by Robin. "Come on!" Charlie demanded, beginning to run towards the source of the noise. Kenzie immediately followed, along with me. We all kept on running, low branches whipping my face. But it didn't hurt enough to make me bleed or anything. Same for Amber, who was determined to find Piper. We eventually made it to another clearing where two men in black suits—which also covered their faces and whole bodies—stopped and looked at us. One of them caught Robin in a rope trap. The bird Pokémon was screeching and clawing at the ropes with his talons, as well as biting them with his sharp black beak. One of the men was holding a cage, which had Piper inside. But she was snoring softly. They must've used Sleep Powder or Hypnosis or something, I thought. "Hey! You jerks!" Kenzie shouted, stomping towards them and reaching for Scarlett's Poké Ball. "Who do you think you are, stealing my Eevee?!" "That's none of your business, little girl," one of the men said in an icy tone. "It's bad enough that Boss won't give us any more Pokémon to fight with, and that we have to wear these unstylish black suits that cover our bodies!" "Yeah, so get lost!" the other spat. "We aren't leaving," Charlie shook his head before ordering, "Robin, Flamethrower!" The Talonflame squawked and shot a blazing blast of fire, breaking through the rope immediately. "Now Steel Wing!" Robin obeyed and got up, his wings turning into pure steel. Then he outstretched them, breaking the rope. Robin screeched and flew up into the air, hovering over the men with fury. The men both glanced at each other, then back at Robin. "You little fool!" the first man snickered. "Now, Gulpin, use Yawn!" "Talon?" Robin tweeted, confused. He turned around and saw a peculiar green Poison type looking up at him. It laughed and let out a Yawn attack. Robin yawned as well, flying a little more slowly until he landed on his talons. "Robin! Quick, return!" Charlie shouted, taking out Robin's Poké Ball and recalling him. "You did good, bud." "That's it!" Kenzie snapped. She took out her Poké Ball and released Scarlett. The Poochyena snapped her jaws and snarled. "Use Yawn!" the second man ordered. Gulpin began to use the tiresome move before Kenzie yelled, "Howl!" Scarlett nodded and let out a long, loud Howl. It drowned out the Yawn attack. "Now, use Ember, Amber!" I decided to help out. My Fennekin leaped off of my shoulder and shot bits and pieces of flames and ashes, burning the Gulpin. "Thunder Fang!" Kenzie ordered. "Pooch Pooch!" Scarlett barked before her fangs turned bright yellow and sparked. She raced towards the Gulpin and finished it off with a swift bite. Charlie ran over to the men and tried to take Piper back. But one of the men punched him in the jaw, making Charlie fall down and rub it. He got back up quickly, though, and smacked the cage out of the first man's hand. "Why you little..." the man snarled before trying to punch Charlie again. But Charlie avoided the flying fist and punched him in the nose. Piper, who was lying on the ground in the cage, blinked open her eyes and yawned. Kenzie looked over. "Piper!" she gasped happily. "Eevee!" Piper yipped, trying to get out of the cage. "Here, let me help," Kenzie offered, Scarlett trotting over to the two. Kenzie unlocked the hatch and opened the door, allowing her Eevee to leap into her arms. "Eve!" Kenzie embraced her Pokémon for a moment, then smiled and turned to face the men. Piper leaped onto the ground and angrily huffed, her beady eyes fixed on them. The two men exchanged glances once more, then recalled their Gulpin and quickly ran away. "Abort mission! We'll find someone else to swipe from!" Charlie, Kenzie, and I watched them go, then sighed. "What jerks," Kenzie mumbled. She patted Scarlett on the head before returning her, then picked up Piper and hugged the small brown Pokémon. "I missed you, girl." "Eevee!" Piper responded, licking her trainer's cheek. "Fenn!" Amber said cheerfully. "How about we get back on the road, shall we?" Charlie asked. He looked up at the sky. "It's in the middle of the afternoon now." "Alright," I nodded. "Let's go!" Kenzie agreed. We all exchanged smiles and headed back to the main path. Now I know for sure that I could trust Charlie. I kind of doubted him at first, but now I know truthfully that he's a dependable guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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