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Harry is sat on the white leather chair waiting for the Psychiatrists weekly advice.

After explaining the common problems he faces, the Lady in the red chair decides to take another approach to Harry's amelioration.

" I suggest you go to Church "


Harry is stood outside the busy church, early on Sunday morning. As he perceives the formally dressed people entering the building he feels as if he doesn't belong in this environment.

Looking down at his attire he has a white dress shirt, three button undone to divulge the tattoos on his chest. The black jeans articulate his long legs and the simple black leather shoes, slightly pointed at the tip.

He takes a deep breath and cautiously walks up the minimal amount of steps and he walks through the old wooden doors and into gods sanctuary. People have already filled most of the rows of seats leaving Harry with limited choice. He decides to take a seat on the end of the long wooden bench a few seats away from the front row.

The chatter quiets down into murmurers as most people have settled for the hour long session. As he priest walks onto the stage wearing a white robe and a brown book in hand the voices of a couple erupt from the doors.

Harry's eyes wonder to the source of the sound but instead his attention is diverted to the petite brunette that strolls down the isle and what he presumes is her parents following behind.

The girl has the most flawless porcelain coloured skin, Her silky brown shoulder length hair is tucked behind her ears. Her lips are slightly parted as she keeps her gaze fixated on the tiled floor. Harry is utterly astonished by her presence. Ad she passes Harry her scent of vanilla intoxicates him, making him crave more.

Then the girls parents pass Harry, the mothers cheap smelling perfume makes Harry inwardly gag.

Harry's gaze follows the girl as she takes a seat two rows in front of him. Harry has a perfect view to think of absurd scenarios with her pink plump lips encasing his manhood.

This is not the place Harry  he mentally scold myself folding his large hands over his lap attempting to hide the noticeable bulge.

" Excuse me sir " A middle aged lady asks Harry politely, gesturing to his long legs barricading the small space to walk between the seats.

" Oh sorry " Harry quickly apologises moving his legs to allow the lady to pass him. She walks past and takes the available space next to Harry.

" That person must be special if they have that affect on you " The lady jokingly torments, indicating to the bulge in his pants.

" You have no idea "

Authors Note

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