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Hot laptop on his bare highs, pants at ankles and manhood upright.

Nothing he thought about could take his mind off of the Church Girl, Charlotte.

Busty Milf, Harry entered into the search bar, at first glance at the porn hub list he instantly closed his laptop. Closing down the site in the process. His eyes scarred but his mind was still content but his member now limp. He reopens his laptop and searches Facebook.

Charlotte Carters

Her profile is displayed with a picture of her and some guy, making Harry cringe. Looks like competition. He scrolls down to her photos, the silly little girl hasn't even enabled her privacy settings.

Not that Harry doesn't mind

Her photos all make her look so angelic, her pink lips pouting in several photos, making Harry want to kiss the screen, hoping it was real.

He lets out an exaggerated sigh and closed his laptop, putting it aside. He pulled up his skin tight skinny jeans and grabbed his car keys, ready for his next appointment.


" You said you have been sleeping better recently? " Dr Samuel's questions, writing down on her notepad.

" Yes a lot better actually " Harry admitted, since attending the Church services he has been sleeping better, all because of one person.

" Good, good. So anything interesting happen while you were at Church?" She further interrogates, the question causing Harry to inwardly grin.

Well beside getting a boner and meeting the most beautiful girl and stalking her on Facebook, no. Harry mentally answers.

" I feel.. cleansed after speaking with the priest " Harry lies, well about the priest part.

" I suggest you continue attending the Sunday Services and see what else happens " Dr Samuel's concludes. Closing her notepad.

Harry gets up and walks out the room grinning like the maniac he is.

Click vote if Harry is the hottest maniac on earth!

A/N The insanely hot maniac he is!!

What is your opinion about kinky Harry?

Published; 11/04/16
word count; 332

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