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" I will take your punishment with grace " Charlotte says confidently, she decided that she will show her strength and tolerence to Harry. This is one thing she was determind to do and she would not let him break her.

" Ah! " Hary exclaims with surprise. He was taken aback by her confidence, but he couldn't help but smirk, knowing that he was the win which could claim victory. He will break her, regardless of what she says.

" You won't be taking it gracefully once you are screaming for me to come back " He said with all his seriousness. He had something in store for her and he was going to be enjoying every moment of it.

Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows as Harry left the room, without saying a word. Thinking that Harry had gone to arrange the days activities, she strolled to the immaculate kitchen where the wonders of food were stored in bulk. Searching and rummaging through the cupboards Charlotte found some bagels, she knew that this wa what she wanted as her stomach rumbled.

Heading to bed, walking slowly not to spill the full cup of tea, but also eating her bagel on the way back to the bed, she heard Harry clean his throat. He wanted her full attention, but Charlotte didn't want to stare into his dominating eyes and feel intimidated. All she wanted to do this morning was eat some good food and be in a comfortable bliss.

" Charlotte, are you going to look at me?" Harry questioned, his tone deep but with a hint of humour behind his voice. Charlotte couldn't believe he found this amusing, his sense of humour is so perculiar, especially for him to find entertainment in her reluctance for eye contact.

Harry slowly stalked forward, he knew what his prey was, it was stood right in front of him. He wanted to devour every part of her, taste her nectar and to have his way with her. He knew he would scare her off if he lost control of himself, but he knew that  Charlotte was something special and he would be a right arsehole to screw it up.

" Can we just relax for a bit? It won't be long until my Dad will be calling to see why I am not home " Charlotte pleaded, but she knew Harry had his mind set on her and nothing she would say would change that. In response Harry gave her a petty glance, taking her naive comment and resisting the urge to see her disappointment when things don't go as she intended.

" Lay on your stomach on the bed Charlotte " Harry curtly instructed as he went to the chest of drawers. Lingering his fingers on the knob of the drawer, waiting for sound of Charlotte readjusting her position. He gave a satisfied nod when he heard her lay on the bed as he has said.

Charlotte watches Harry's back intently waiting to see what he was retrieving. She heard the drawer open but could not see what he was rummaging through. Finally Harry felt the cool black leather in his palm. He was ready to explode but had to refrain from doing so. As Charlotte caught a glance of the paddle her eyes widened and her face clearly displayed shock. Charlotte raised herself up, her body telling Harry she was hesitating about what was to come.

Harry wordlessly motioned for Charlotte to lay back down on her stomach, so he could have full access to her ass which was going to be turned red. Harry wanted to bruise her ass as much as he wanted to come, but he knew she was delicate and such actions would not be appropriate at such an early stage. He needed to control himself if he wanted Charlotte to stay.

As Harry reached the bed, he put the paddle down next to charlottes face, attempting to be unnecessarily daunting. He walked to the side of the bed where Charlottes feet were dangling slightly off the edge of the bed. He grabbed her hips and lifted them up so her bottom was in the air. He indulged in the view for a minute before grabbing the paddle and resuming his position behind her, slowly pulling down her pants.

Charlotte felt as if she could hear her own blood rush through her veins. She knew he was being slow, to build up the sensations which would either end in pain or pleasure. She was unsure of what to do but decided that she would let Harry do what he wanted to do without making a fuss.

" I will spank you five times, but I will not hesitate. This punishment is for speaking back to me and for waking me up from my slumber. The only circumstance I don't mind being woken up is when your little lips are around my cock " Harry chuckled as he rubbed her ass. Already with his groping her cheek was turning a flushed red, it seemed as if she would bruise easily.

The first spank almost knocked the wind out of Charlotte. The loud slap echoed in the room as if the room was empty. She jumped forward and dug and fingers into the quilt as she bit her lip. She knew she had no choice but to endure this. She was now his toy.

" One " Charlotte grunted. Just in time for the second, powerful stroke to hit her cheek. Harry couldn't wait to explore the cause for her soaked panties.

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Hello kinky savages, I know this chapter was long awaited and here it is. I hope you enjoyed! I have written several chapter drafts which means updates should be slightly longer and more regular.

Have any of you read my other works? If so what was your favourite ?

Word Count: 977
Published: 11/09/17

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