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Fuck, Harry looks like a completely different person with his hair cut short. But still a sexy Daddy!

Harry was usually one to be awake early, ready for the day. But today, there was an exception.

There was no need to arise, or wake up early. He was going to enjoy having his Baby Girl in his arms while he slept.

Although Charlotte was not as relaxed about this situation as Harry was. While he was snoring lightly, drooling on his pillow and had his heavy tattooed arm slung over Charlotte's waist. She was getting impatient for him to wake up, the room was already heating up from the bright summer sun, the white sheets had been kicked off the large bed. Despite her being perfectly comfortable and content, her bladder was betraying her especially after having a large drink last night. Which had left her with a dry mouth and small headache.

Half an hour easily went past, her bladder wasn't going to hold up any longer. Whenever she moved slightly, his arm would tighten around her and he would snuggle closer. There was a particular smell that radiated off of Harry, it was comforting and masculine but still smelt comforting.

Contemplating how to escape him embrace and slip into the bathroom. Charlotte decided she needed to be brave, no matter how shy she felt around Harry, this was a dire matter.

" Daddy " Charlotte whispered, moving her head closer to his. Her small hand resting on his cheek. His cheeks were warm, flustered.

She slowly and apprehensively leaned in, checking his lips to see if there was any drool hanging from the corner of his parted lips. And ever so lightly pecked his lips.

Harry emitted a throaty moan, he released Charlotte from his grasp and pulled his arms about his head stretching them. She took the opportunity and dashed to the bathroom off to the side of the room and immediately headed to the toilet.

Harry jolted awake as he saw her run off, alerted by the sudden action and because he always wanted to be by her side. He leapt out of bed, and ran after her only to see her with her eyes closed, goosebumps over her legs, lips slightly parted as she released her full bladder. completely oblivious to Harry watching her.

Harry was not pleased with her stunt, but he knew how to rectify the issue. A good old fashioned, bare bum spanking. The front of his boxers tightened at the thought of having her small body being laid over his knee. Her bum exposed and red from his hands.

If only he could get her to act out more he would get to fulfill his fantasy.

Retreating back to the bed, he sits down on the end of the cover less bed. Harry couldn't of had a better morning.

As Charlotte comes out the bathroom she is surprised to see her Daddy sat at the end of the bed, his legs slightly parted as he leaned back against her arms. She thought he would of still been snuggled in bed.

" Morning Daddy " Charlotte sheepishly greets, standing in front of the bathroom door, not knowing what move to make under his gaze.

" That wasn't a very nice stunt Hunny, Daddy was having an excellent sleep until you decided to tease him and run off to the bathroom " Harry explained, he was trying to keep an authoritative voice and keep his hands off his groin, after all there was another pair of hands in the room which could do that for him.

" I'm sorry Daddy " Charlotte apologized but she saw it as her only option, " But you were in such a deep sleep and I had -"

" Rule One, don't talk back to Daddy. Now should you accept your punishment gracefully or should I go over the expectations first ?"

Click Vote For Overprotective Daddy Harry!

its been a while! I got to admit this chapter was satisfying to write.

Ready for some punishment next chapter, maybe even some kinky things! But geez, Harry is one horny man. Just as well he has his Baby girl. There will be an exciting twist in future chapters, any ideas what it is ?

published; 11/20/16

word count; 720

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