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" Come with me, we are going to take a stroll " Harry announces, walking along a small dirt trail that's next to the Church.

" Harry-" " Daddy, when we first met I told you I want you to call me Daddy and that's exactly what you will do " Harry interrupts. His voice demanding but still gentle, a combination that caused her to get goosebumps.

" Daddy " Charlotte started, the word foreign but captured Harrys attention.

" Where are we going, we are supposed to be at the service " She asks, looking back to check if anyone was following them. They walked further along the small trail, a very familiar one.
And that's when she knew where they were going.

Soon they reach the small area, amongst thick trees, a small clearing. An old bonfire surrounded by soot covered rocks, outdoor fold-up chairs that were Pershing and the rusty old shed. One that held many memories.

" Care to give me a tour " Harry asks, giving a face that won't take no for an answer. With a curt nod she shows Harry the areas around the woods that are used. The swing which consists of a tire and a long metal chain that hangs from a thick branch among the canopy above. Another little shed which is a but further from the site, as the teenagers call it - The Dunny. In other words the toilet.

A small area where teenagers bring their cars and have amateur races in their underpowered cars. Then the last stop was the rusty shed. Opening the wooden door, dust evident in the light that shines through the broken window.

" And this is the shed " Charlotte says with a huff. All the walking and she has already had enough, just wanting to snuggle in bed. Maybe even with Harry, but the thought instantly got knocked out of her as she was roughly pushed against the metal wall. Harry had enough of watching her, being seductive without a clue. His control was wearing thin, all his thoughts were about to make him explode. He needed a release and he just knew how.

" So is this where you are a dirty little whore " Harry whispers. His hands holding her wrists above her head. Harrys height intimidating her, forcing her into submission.

" Harry please get off of me " She mumbles, not able to look him in the eye.

" How many times do I have to remind you Charlotte " He grunts, saying her name as if he was scolding her. It was overwhelming for such a thing to occur but she couldn't deny that she was getting aroused from his roughness, and control. Without a reply he continues.

" If I have to tell you once more I will punish you without hesitating " He said, one of his hands sliding from her wrists, down her arm, brushing past her boob and onto her bum. He gives it a light squeeze. Bringing his slightly chapped lips to her neck he lightly kisses her soft skin.

The touch of his lips creating tingles on her skin, a shudder of pleasure and a unconscious moan escaped her lips as Harry sucked harder onto her clear skin.

" You like that don't you, are you being a kinky little Catholic " Harry murmured, sucking marks onto her neck. Making her moan, attempting to release her hands so he can tangle them in his soft hair.

Harry smirks knowing he has her hooked, he knew he was going to succeed with his intentions.
Especially since Charlotte was enjoying having her skin assaulted by an older man.

" I have a proposition " he announces. Charlotte furrows her eyebrows as she reaches up to her neck, feeling the tender skin.

" I get to use you for my own sexual fantasies and pleasures, in return I will pay for anything you wish " he states. He already knew the answer.

" Just think of me as a Sugar Daddy "

A/N When it comes to sensual scenes I am a bit apprehensive about using such words because I don't want to offend anybody. If I do say something that you don't like, well either suck it up or don't click read. But it's too late for that anyway!

Published: 4/06/16
Word count: 706

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