Chapter 24

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The stars twinkled happily above his head, burning a heated snow white. Trees that provided shade during the day blocked out most of them, letting only slivers of light break through. A crescent shaped moon graced the pitch black sky with a graceful smile.

Draco sighed deeply.

His trunk left gauges in the dirt as he dragged it along, clawing its way across the occasional tufts of grass. Barely hanging on by a strap was his tiny blue backpack. Overgrown bushes mangled the edges of the path. You could barely make it out anymore, and he was surprised he managed to apparate to the right spot. It had been around eight years since he trampled his way through here, and it wasn't as if he had become well acquainted with it. He let his gaze glance wishfully ahead of him.

If his memory served him right, which was unlikely, it would not be long until he hit a meadow. If he actually managed to stumble upon it, it would mean a few more minutes of walking. If not, well, he was glad to have the foresight of packing a sleeping bag. He regretted not leaving a little sooner.

A tiny laugh only he could hear bubbled out of his throat.

No, he wished he had arranged to arrive the next day. Because then he wouldn't have had to worry about time and he might've been able to ride the Hogwarts Express. Maybe even sit with Harry. Although, he had ended up going to Hogsmeade with him, so he could manage to make himself be satisfied with his ending.

He turned a bend in the nearly recognizable trail. There was another bend after it, which he couldn't see past. A meadow might be around that corner if luck and memory was on his side. Holding his breath, his knuckles turned white as he hauled all of his things to the corner.

He hadn't gotten a meadow. That isn't to say he hadn't gotten what he wanted.

A grandiose house towered in front of him. Flickering lights illuminated a stone walkway, leading to a simply elegant entrance. The whole building pushed the traditional idea of a house in the countryside, as if someone had started with one, but threw sacks of Galleons at a designer to make sure it felt like more. Tiny new things popped up, like the removal of the daunting gargoyles that really had no business lounging about on the roof. A warm cedar red door replaced the serious black one. Outlines, hushed in the dark, of freshly planted flowers. Standing at the end of the walkway, a regal woman stood with an unhidden glint of affection in her eyes, a glint impossible for any mother to hide.

"Nearly an hour late." She called out to him. "Dragon, surely I raised you to never keep a lady waiting?"

Letting go of his trunk, he walked towards her. Grass rustled underneath his feet as his footsteps began to fall with greater speed. Stone clacked under his shoes, which turned out not to be practical for the walk that became a hike. Soon, he was sprinting towards her with an unedited smile on his face because, Harry must have really influenced him more than he thought. Because, he would have never been this open before. Because, he had left her with a formal handshake and professional farewell. Or maybe because he finally decided that he was going to acknowledge that he had missed his Mother, even though he had routinely sent back her letters unopened when she sent them, choosing not to communicate. So often, that she had stopped trying altogether.

She felt small in his embrace, and caused him to wonder whether he had shoot up in height during the school year. When he had left, he recalled looking straight at her eyes without difficulty, but now he had to lower his chin a few inches to even glance at her forehead.

"Hello, Mother." He said seriously. "I'm fine, thank you for inquiring about my well being before badgering me about my timing."

She snorted in the most un-ladylike way. It was never said that he got humor from the Malfoy side of the family.

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