Snow Day

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Aelita's POV

I woke up the next morning feel the warm rays of the sun on my skin. Stretching my stiff limbs, I hopped out of bed. When my feet hit the floor, a cold sensation shot through my entire body. I yelped and hopped back up on the bed. Looking at my window, a giant cloud covered the sun and my white nightmare started flying out of it. SNOW! "UGH!" I groaned and wrapped up in my blanket. I need to get ready for school, but I can't move around on this cold floor. Plus, I really need to use the bathroom! My dresser was 20 feet from where I was. Slowly, I put my foot on the floor and cringed. Putting my other foot down, I started walking on the the sides of my feet fast. The cold but into my skin but I kept going. To preoccupy my mind from the cold, I began to singing a song.

I see the moon, the moon sees me

Up in the arms of the old oak tree

Please let the light that shines on me

Shine on the one I love

Over the mountains, Over the sea,

Back where my heart is longing to be

Please let the light that shines on me

Shine on the one I love

Quickly, I grabbed my clothes and put on 4 pairs of socks on my feet. Letting out a happy sigh, I rushed to the bathroom trying not to waste on myself. A knock came from the door and I let out a frustrated groan. Hopping from one foot to the other, I opened the door to see the team already suited up.

"Morning Lita!" Nova greeted.

"Why are you all suited up? Today's a school day." I asked them.

"No school today, Aelita. Snow day!" Luke said excitedly.

"We got winter training in 30. We gotta go get-Are you ok?" White Tiger asked as I crossed my legs and bounced from one foot to the other.

"Mmhmm." I hummed.

"Ok...we gotta go get Web Head so hurry and get dressed." She said.

"Do you need to use the bathroom?" Iron Fist asked.

"Y-Yeah, really really bad." I said in a high voice. "We'll leave you alone then. Have a nice pee!" Nova said as they walked away. As soon as I shut the door, I ran to the bathroom as fast as I can.


Parker House

We arrived at Peter's house in a S.H.I.E.L.D. jet. Luckily, his Aunt May wasn't home so we didn't have to explain why a government issued airship was on her front yard. I stayed on the ship as the rest of the team went to get Peter. Looking out the window, I saw him fell out the window in his Spiderman costume and the whole team laughing at him. I let out a small chuckle, waved at him, and he waved back. Then, my mind raced back to what happened in when we were in my room. I almost burst out of laughter. I wonder if he was upset about that little fib I told him. Oh well.

They boarded the ship and Peter sat next to me. "Why are you all wrapped up like a newborn child?" He asked. "Fire Dragons can't stand cold weather. It burns out our flames and weaken us to point we're powerless. Honestly, I can't stand it! All it does is freezes everything ." I replied as I wrapped up in another blanket. "Oh yeah, you lied about that cake turning me into a dragon!" He said, crossing his arms. "It was your own fault for thinking a pastry was going to turn you into a dragon." I said, smirking. He lifted his mask halfway and stuck his tongue at me and I laughed. I looked outside to see the snow falling faster.

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