Joining S.H.I.E.L.D.

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(A/N: This is way before Spidey joins the team). I do not own Ultimate Spiderman just my OC.


"Take that!" I yelled as I throw a fire ball at the S.H.I.E.L.D. robot and it exploded into a million pieces. I placed my hands on my knees as I panted in exhaustion. Why did I let my mother talk me into this?


"You're going to Earth continue your training." My mother plainly said. My eyes widened a bit as she stood in front of me with a tall man with an eyepatch at her side. "I don't understand. Why?" I asked. "Let me explain." The tall man came up to me. "I am Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. The reason why I am here is I want you to come and join a young superhero program that I established on Earth." He explained.

I looked down at the ground to avoid eye contact with both adults. I can't just leave my home, my friends, and my family. I looked towards the empty throne beside my mother's. Dad...

A lump form in my throat and tears were the corners of my eyes. Suddenly, a hand came in contact with my shoulder and another in my hair. My mother combed my hair with her fingers." I know it's hard to leave after what happened years ago. It's hard for all of us, but if you go you'll be honoring him. I bet he will proud of what you will become." she said as she kissed my forehead.

My conflicted feelings soon settled and I turned back to Fury. I nodded to him. "I'm in."

Flashback end

"Thanks a lot mom." I muttered to myself. Suddenly, a whole new wave of robots came and surrounded me. Great.

Normal POV

As Aelita trained inside the training room, four teenagers watched and criticized. "She's good. She's probably better than us." Luke Cage complimented. "I agree, but she relies too much on her powers and not her skill. Either way, she might be good for the team." Iron fist said. "Well for whatever reason, I'm just glad I won't be the only girl on the team." White Tiger said cheerfully.

Suddenly, Nova comes running in late holding his helmet in his hands. "Hey, who ordered Fury to train a new recruit! As leader, I only-". As Nova looked up at the screen, he saw Aelita throwing fire balls at all the robots. "Who. Is. That?" He asked with hearts in his eyes. "Our new teammate." Luke smirked.


Aelita's POV

Exhausted from fighting killer robots, I collapsed on the floor gasping for oxygen. Suddenly, a hand came into view. "Need help?" A voice reached my ears. I looked up to see a boy in yellow,black,and silver holding his hand out towards me. Without hesitation, I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. Behind him were 2 other boys and a girl fully dressed in their superhero suits. "Don't worry, you're not the only one who has gone through this." He reassured me which made me feel a little better.

"Thanks. So, uh who are you guys?" I asked. "Introduction time! Hello pretty lady, the name's Nova, the human rocket. I can fire bolts of energy from my wrist and is currently single." Nova introduced himself as he flashed me a flirty grin at me. A bit creeped out, I took a few steps away from him. A girl in a white catsuit came behind him and smack him on the head. I giggled a little and he blushed a bright red. "Sorry for Nova's idiocy. I'm White Tiger, acrobatic ninja with cat powers. I used to be the only girl on this team, but since you're here I'm not." She said happily and held her hand out. I flashed a smile and I happily shook her hand.

A boy in a green suit with a dragon on his chest approached me."Namaste. I am Iron Fist, Kung-Fu master with of fist of iron. It is a pleasure to meet you." He bowed to me and I bowed back. "The pleasure is mine." I said. Last, the boy who helped me up earlier comes last. "FYI, I don't have a superhero name. You call me Luke. I have bullet proof skin and super strength." He smiled kindly at me. So this is my new team. My new family.

"So what's your name?" Tiger asked. My head shot up at her voice. Oh, that's right I haven't introduced myself yet. "Sorry. My name is Aelita. Basically, my powers are fire manipulation and plant manipulation." I said. When I said my name, Nova's eyes widen a little bit. "Aelita? You have the same name as Queen Solara's daughter."

I let a little giggle. "Well, it's just so happens that I am Queen Solara's daughter." I laughed. Their mouths dropped open and shock covered their faces. "WHAT?!" They shouted in disbelief. "Yep, but don't worry you don't have call me Princess or anything. Just Aelita." I explained and their faces went back to normal. "By the way, have you chosen your superhero name yet?" Luke asked. I thought for a second then answered.

"Yeah. Draga." I answered as I snapped my fingers, making a small flame appeared.

Sorry for wait! I was trying to fit everything I needed to write into one single chapter. So I hoped you like it! If you have any questions,suggestions or requests that you have, just message me and I will get to them as soon as possible. Thanks!🐼

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