Out of Control: Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own USM.



Aelita's POV


A piece of a building crashed into the busy streets of New York City. The panicked screams of people mixed in with the blaring horns of cars evading the pieces of stones that fell on the busy streets. The team and I were heading to the chaotic scene to investigate what was causing such a fuss this early Saturday morning. "Ugh, Fury just had to send us to go see what's destroying the city today. I had other plans." Spiderman whined.

"By other plans you mean sitting in your pajamas eating Froot Loops while watching cartoons?" I asked. "...No." He said awkwardly and I chuckled. "Well, we've got a job to do Web Head. Like it or not." Nova said.

"The faster we get this done, the faster you go and do your other 'plans'. Unlike you, I have homework to do." White Tiger said to the boys. "Life is not a race. It's a journey you must take to enjoy it." Iron Fist quoted. "Whatever, let's just hurry and see what we're up against." Power Man said. We jumped from building to building to finally reach our destination. Around us, numerous buildings were melting into piles of goop.

Following the trail of destruction, we came across the thing that was responsible for ruining the city and our Saturday mornings. In a nest of debris lied a fairly large dragon whose scales were colored green, large, leathery wings, a long neck, sharp claws and teeth, and a forked tail. "What is that thing?" White Tiger asked. "Fin Fang Foom." Nick Fury answered as he appeared on our communicator watches.

"It's an shape shifting alien from another planet. SHIELD tracked it all the down from China where it was in a deep sleep. Apparently, it woke up from its little nap and is now in New York for some reason and I want to know why. Take him down before any innocent civilians get hurt. Fury out." He said and logged out of our watches.

As if he was listening to our conversation, Fin Fang Foom stared at each of us with its piercing yellow eyes. It raised its gigantic claws and lashed it at us. We jumped out of the way of its attack onto another building. "You heard Fury! Take it out Team!" Spiderman yelled.

Nova buzzed around the dragon's head, blasting energy from his wrists. Spiderman shot webs at the monster's eyes and feet, immobilizing and blinding it. White Tiger scratched it with her razor claws making it bleed a little. He roared in pain, but Iron Fist and Power Man punched it in the face shutting it up. Delivering the final blow, I threw a giant fireball at the monster and it fell into the street.

"Aren't we awesome what?" Nova grinned. "I agree with Bucket Head. We are awesome!" Spiderman said. "Don't let your arrogance fool you. Look!" Iron Fist shouted.

Suddenly, a weird glow emitted from Fin Fang Foom's body. All of the damage we've done to it disappeared as if nothing happened. "He has a healing factor?!" Nova yelled. "Is it that obvious?" White Tiger said sarcastically. With all of injuries healed, Fin Fang Foom roared and charged at us. Nova blasted energy at it, but the dragon slapped him with its wing making him fly several feet and crashing into a building.

Spiderman swung on a web while shooting some webs at the monster. White Tiger ran at it with her claws sharpened. It cuts the the web line with its sharp claws and it batted them with its tail. Iron Fist and Power Man punched at the dragon, but they were not effective. It grabbed them with its claws and threw them into the ground. Fin Fang Foom looked at my direction with its mouth agape. It aimed and released a stream of yellow acid mist at me. I created a fire shield to block it, when the mist made contact with my shield, a explosion occurred. It knocked me back a few feet into a car.

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