Out of Control: Part 2

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(A/N: Enjoy reading! You guys can skip this to part and come back since it's kinda long.)

Deadpool: Give me a D! Give me an E! Give me a A-S-D-F-G-H-J-K-L! What does that spell?! Me! You're favorite merc with a mouth, Deadpool! Since Ari was too busy with ugh school, she gave me a bunch of MONEY to give you needs a recap!


Deadpool: OH MY BEJESUS! It's Spiderman! *glomps Spiderman* What are you doing here love muffin?

Spiderman: *pushes Deadpool away* Uh...

Deadpool: Really? Me too! What a coinkydink!

Spiderman: Wait what?

Chibi Delivery Man Deadpool: Letter for Spidey and Deadpool.

Spiderman: Huh? *opens letter*

Deadpool: Ew, so...many...WORDS!

Spiderman: Dear Spiderman and Deadpool, I lied about you two about doing the recap. I tricked you because I knew you both won't do because I knew you wouldn't do it with the other being there.

Deadpool: True dat.

Spiderman: Sorry. Sincerely Ari (AydenSkuller). *sigh* Well, might as we do it since we're here.

Deadpool: For once and only once I agree with you Spidey. Ladies first.

Spiderman: Ok...so what happened was Draga-

Deadpool: Aka my future wife.

Spiderman: Really?

Deadpool: Sorry. Continue.

Spiderman: *Sigh* Was turned evil and we don't know who, what, or why.

Deadpool: And I know who it did it! It's-

Spiderman: *shoots a web in his mouth* NO SPOILERS!

Deadpool: MMMMHHH!

Spiderman: As I was saying, Draga was turned evil and we don't know why but no worries!

Deadpool: *rips off the web* HAKUNA MATATA!

Spiderman: Because me and my S.H.I.E.L.D Team will figure it out...hopefully and we'll turn Drags back to normal...possibly.

Deadpool: Wow, such confidence.

Spiderman: Hey!

Chibi Director Spiderman: Spidey, you're on in 10.

Spiderman: That's my cue! Have fun reading everyone!

Deadpool: Ooh, Ooh! I want to see your trailer!

Spiderman: NO!


Spiderman's POV

Suddenly in the door opened and standing in front of us was...

Earth's Mightest Heroes!


The super soldier, Captain America. The Prince of Asgard, Thor. Hulk, the strongest of all the Avengers. The super spy, Black Widow. The archer that never misses, Hawkeye. And last but not least billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, aka my man crush, Tony Stark aka Iron Man.

"Someone pinch me, because I think I'm dreaming." I whispered. Beside me, Nova took that opportunity to pinch me forearm.


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