One Year + Author's Note

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I know it's been a while since I last updated. I've been having a hard time with life and my inspiration and will to write had extinguished for a while and I just had to get away for a while. I'm writing to you now to announce that I will no longer will be writing "Secrets". It is disheartening to leave my first book but I enjoyed it and I enjoyed all your comments. I appreciate all of you for reading and tolerating my inability to update constantly. 

For my last gift to you all, @nhern1101 asked a LONG in Jan. while back to reveal Aelita's past to you all and I would feel guilty to end "Secrets" without fulfilling their request. 

So with this the final chapter of Secrets. 


Spider-Man's POV

It's been a whole year since Aelita was in a coma. 525,600 minutes, 8,760 hours, and 52 weeks have past by quickly. S.H.I.E.L.D. is back up and flying in the friendly skies once again in the new Tricarrier. It's a whole lot bigger than our old stuffy Helicarrier. It can divide itself in 3 carriers equipped to travel through the air, water,and space. The arrival of the new ship meant finally kicking out my freeloading friends/teammates.

Don't get me wrong, I like my friends but sharing a 750 square foot house with mu aunt, 3 teens, and a Sam is a bit suffocating. The team and I are a bit rough around the edges with one member absent but we managed to subdue our usual wacky super villains.

Believe or not, Nova and I haven't had one argument. Crazy right? I've also been spending a lot of time with Ava lately too. We usually butt heads with each other a lot but now it's been pretty chill between us. 

Danny and I visited Aelita after school and the end of every mission everyday. Before he turned into a giant lizard, Connors said her brain has been active lately and her reflexes are kicking in meaning she might wake up soon hopefully. Sometimes, I miss her sarcastic remarks and her threatening Sam. It's...just not the same without her. I never felt like this since Uncle Ben died. 

Nick "The Angriest Boss Ever" Fury wanted to meet with us for a training exercise. "Come on Fury I have better things to do!" Nova, as always, complained. "Oh yeah, like what?" White Tiger questioned. Nova looked around and stuttered, trying to find an answer to her question. " better stuff then being here." Nova answered confidently. "It is said, never put off until tomorrow what can be done today." Iron Fist quoted. "Yeah, yeah fortune cookie!" Nova whined.  

"Nice try, but you're staying here. You've been hitting a wall lately in the field so I've prepared a special treat for you." Nick said.

"Aw Nick you shouldn't have. What is it? Ice cream sundaes, browies, ooh ooh a 20 tier cake?!" I asked excitedly. 

"Oh I have something better." He answered a bit too delightedly. He presses a button on his watch and an army of Life Model Decoys (LMDs) appeared disguised as Juggernaut, Doc Oc, and the Beetle, and Electro. 

"Sweet Christmas..." Power Man gasped. 

"Ugh, I think I lost my appetite..." I groaned. 


Aelita's POV


"Papa!"  My younger self runs into my father's strong arms. His scraggly beard scratches my face and our cheeks nuzzle one another. I inhale his comforting scent of  sweets flowers and  slight musk. His melodic, deep laughter rang my ears drums. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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