Chapter 4: Niall, Nandos, And Interruptions

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Haylee's Point of View

I stared at the now open lock that was in Liam's hand. I didn't know what to say or how to react. I was still processing the fact that Liam Payne was even playing soccer with me! How the hell am I supposed to process that he opened one of my locks! That's a lot for me to take in.

"I-I", I started, but nothing else came out.

"Haylee, do you know what this means?", Liam asked. I felt his hand gently take a hold of my chin, lifting my face up to meet his. I stared into his golden brown eyes, they seemed to be twinkling like the stars at night. He had a complete look of adoration across his face as he stared at me. A million thoughts started swimming around in my head. What if he's the one? Who do the other four locks belong to? Does Liam have feelings for me? How will his friends react? How will Louis react?

How will Louis react? This question was the one that was swimming the fastest around in my head. I knew that Louis and I had been ignoring each other lately and I blamed him for it. But how will he react when one of his best mates is one of my perfect matches?

I pulled away from Liam, slowly stepping away from him. "I know what this means Liam, but I still have to figure out who the other four are. I-I need some time...", I trailed off.

"Take however long you need, but just know that I'll wait for you". I nodded my head and quickly walked over to my bag, grabbing it and quickly walking away from the field.

When I got home I jumped in the shower, washing the sweat off of my body. I got out, wrapping a towel around my body. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some light blue skinny jeans, along with a black tank top. I grabbed a sweatshirt and threw that on as well. I lied down on my bed, staring at my ceiling. I felt my stomach erupt in a fit of grumbles. I groaned and sat up, deciding that I should go out to get something to eat, considering I really didn't want to be in this house by myself. I grabbed my purse and slipped on some vans before leaving and starting to walk down the street.

I looked at the different restaurants  that were lined up along the street. I stopped and turned my head to look up at the bright green neon sign that read 'Nandos'. I remember Louis telling me that this was one of his favorite restaurants, so without further questioning, I walked inside.

"Hello miss, how many?", a guy that looked around his 30's asked.

"One please", I answered him. I watched as he grabbed a menu from underneath the desk, gesturing for me to follow him. He led me to a table that was right by a window, revealing the beautiful landscape of London.

"Your waiter will be with you in a moment", he said.

"Thank you", I said, giving him a small smile. He smiled back and then walked back up to the front. I started to fiddle with the napkin holder, but then after that got boring I decided to count how many cars passed by on the road. I was on number 62 when a petite lady came up to my table.

"Hello, I'm Lauren and I'll be your waiter for this evening. Can I start you off with something to drink?", she asked, holding out her notepad. I chewed on the bottom of my lip, trying to decide what to order.

"I'll get a water and tea please".

"I'll have those out for you in a few minutes", she smiled as she turned on her heel, heading into the kitchen. I started to drum my fingers to the music that was lowly playing in the restaurant. It was Michael Buble's Haven't Met You Yet.

"You know that song?", I heard someone ask from behind me. I jumped and turned around to come face to face with Niall Horan. I saw a look of shock flash across his face, I'm guessing he didn't know it was me.

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