Chapter 21: Dart Boards And Darts

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Haylee's Point of View

My eyes widened in fear and surprise as my dad's fist came in contact with Louis' face, causing him to let out a groan in pain.

"How dare you hit my daughter! I trusted you and now I'm going to-" my dad screamed at Louis as he grabbed the collar of his shirt in his hands.

"Dad stop!" I rushed, finally finding my voice. I sped over to my dad and pushed him away from Louis. My dad stumbled back, surprised by my actions.

"Haylee, he hit you and you're defending him?" my dad asked in utter shock. I shook my head at him.

"Dad, Louis isn't the one who hit me. It was another guy named Jake. Louis was with me and stopped Jake from doing anything else" I slowly said, making sure my dad understood everything perfectly.

My dad furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the floor, trying to piece all the information together.

After not speaking for a few minutes, I continued, "Didn't you notice the bruises on his face or lip?". My dad lifted his head from the floor and eyed Louis who was still behind me. I continued to stare at my dad until I felt a hand gently grasp my wrist. I turned my head to see blood slowly dripping out of Louis' nose, making the white tile become dotted with droplets of red.

Louis' hand on my wrist got tighter as he wobbled slightly from side to side. I watched as his eyes slowly flickered shut now and again. My dad must've really hit him hard for him to be acting like this.

"Lou?" I cautioned as I turned my whole body to fully face him.

"I-I don't really feel well" Louis slightly slurred as he leaned forward to rest his head on my shoulder, causing me to wrap my arms around his waist to stop him from falling on top of me. 

I looked back up to see my dad staring at Louis with a horrified expression. He finally realized what a huge mistake he made.

"Louis, I'm so sorry. It's just that-" he started, but I cut him off.

"Dad, maybe you should wait to apologize until after he feels better" I grumbled, still upset that he hit him. Sending my dad an icy glare one last time, I started to lightly drag Louis to the bathroom.

Once we were in there, I gently sat him on top of the toilet. Louis' head was drooping and his eyes would occasionally roll into the back of his head. I quickly grabbed a wet cloth and started to clean up the blood. He winced every so often, but he was too delusional to retaliate.

After cleaning up the blood, I gently took Louis' face in my hands and lifted his face up to mine.

"Louis, are you okay?"

Louis' eyes said what I wanted to know. They were tearing up, meaning that he was in a lot of pain. Louis said my name in a painful tone, almost pleading for me to do something. I rose from my spot in front of him and ventured to the medicine cabinet to grab some pain medication for him. I pulled out a bottle of Advil and a bottle of Tylenol, trying to decide which one would relieve his pain. After deciding on Advil, I poured two small pills into my hand and held them and a glass of water in front of Louis.

He furrowed his eyes at the pills, seeming almost confused as to what to do with them. He looked up and shook his head, looking like a toddler as he scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Come on Lou. This will make you feel better" I advised as I pushed the pills towards him. Louis let out a low moan before placing his hands on the nearby sink to help steady his wobbly self.

"I don't want to take any pills" he retaliated as he continued to eye the pills with his glazed over eyes.

"It's the only thing that can get rid of the pain. I know it hurts, so just take the damn pills" I urged, getting slightly irritated by his stubborn attitude.

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