Chapter 22: Paper Cranes And Teary Eyes

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Haylee's Point of View

I sighed as I woke up from my peaceful slumber, happy that it actually was peaceful. I rolled over, burying my head into Louis' chest. I felt his arm snake around my waist, pulling me closer. I breathed in deeply, expecting to smell Louis' cologne, but instead I smelt the slight smell of cigarette smoke.

My eyes shot open, only to be met by Zayn's big brown eyes, along with a smirk on his face. It took me a second or two to register that Zayn was indeed in my bed and Louis wasn't in my bed. But, where the hell did Louis go?

"Good morning beautiful" Zayn huskily whispered as he kissed the tip of my nose. My heart swelled at his words, but for some reason I wished Louis was the one calling me beautiful.

"Morning", I started, pushing myself away from him to stretch my arms over my head. "How did you get in here?"

Zayn placed his arms behind his head, looking at the ceiling for a couple of seconds before looking back at me, a wicked grin on his face.

"I climbed in through the window."

I quirked an eyebrow at him. "So, you crawled in through my window like Edward Cullen?" I joked.

Zayn chuckled, "Yes, but I think I'm way better looking than him". I chuckled at Zayn's remark, placing myself beside him again, where he immediately wrapped his arms back around my waist.

"How long have you been here?" I cautiously asked, hoping he didn't see Louis.

"Only about an hour. I tried calling, but you just kept rejecting my calls..." he trailed off.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I never got a phone call from him. I was asleep the whole time. Then, it all clicked. Louis must've been the one rejecting the calls. Maybe he didn't realize it was Zayn and just rejected the calls because they woke him up. But, that wouldn't explain where he went or where he is.

"Oh, I-I guess I didn't look at the caller I.D because I was too tired to answer.... Sorry" I mumbled, hoping my answer would be good enough for him.

"That's alright. The good thing now is that you're awake and we can go do something now" he replied as he leaned over to give me a light kiss on the lips.

"What time is it anyway?" I mumbled against his lips.

"Just after 11:30" he responded, his lips still lingering over mine.

I pulled away and looked into his alluring brown eyes, getting lost in them for a few moments before snapping back into reality when I saw him smirking at me.

To hide my blush, I quickly pulled away from him and went over to my closet, pulling it open to look for an outfit to wear.

"What do you want to do today then?" I asked, searching the dark depths of my closet for my white v-neck.

"That's a surprise, but I'm thinking that -since you haven't eaten- we could go to that little cafe around the corner for some lunch before we get to my surprise" he concluded, emphasizing the word 'surprise'.

"Okay, that sounds good enough for me" I told him before going into the bathroom to change.

After I closed the door behind me, I slipped on my skinny jeans and my white v-neck. I brushed my hair and teeth and then added a light layer of makeup. I walked back into my room and hummed to a song as I slipped on my black vans before turning to look back at Zayn.

Zayn was eyeing me with a face that I remember Harry having the first time he kissed me in the bakery.


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