Chapter 40: You Don't Know Everything

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Haylee's Point of View

"Are you sure you're ready to go back?" I asked Louis, our hands entwined while we walked towards the school.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'd rather be here than sitting at home with nothing else to do" he said, his other hand that wasn't grasped in my own reaching behind him to adjust his backpack on his shoulders.

I nodded understandingly, despite the one smidge of doubt at the back of my mind that Jake was bound to do something today if he saw that Louis was back. Thankfully, the bruises on his face at healed, showing no indication of the beating he'd received only days ago. I knew deep down that Louis could take care of himself, but that didn't leave my mind at ease at what Jake could possibly do.

"By the way, I'm still really sorry about my parents barging in on us yesterday" he said, a hint of a smile pulling at his lips, despite how he was trying to keep a straight face.

I huffed. "Yeah, you better be sorry."

Yesterday, when Louis' parents came back, it was absolutely horrendous. After Louis had gotten out of the shower, I joined them for dinner. I would've had a great time if Louis didn't sneak a couple touches against my inner thigh, causing me to squirm in my seat the whole time. He found the whole thing amusing. I was still worked up, and his teasing was driving me insane. Even worse, after dinner we all watched a movie in the living room. Louis and I sat together on one couch while his parents sat on the other. We had a blanket covering ourselves, giving Louis the perfect opportunity to torture me further. His parents didn't see anything, and I wanted so badly to shove him up stairs and finish what we started earlier, but sadly that didn't happen.

After our second movie, I went home. Louis was sad to see me go, but behind the pouty look he sent me, I could see a hint of victory that his teasing drove me so crazy I had to go home before I pounced on him in front of his parents.

It's easy to say I was mad at him. Not only for putting me through it, but also for proving how much I desperately wanted him. He's always known how much I want him, but after yesterday, he now understands just how much I really want him, which I think pushes him further to tease me.

"I have to say, I'm surprised you lasted until the second movie" Louis said, his lips pulling up in a wide grin. "You must have a lot of self control."

"You have no idea" I chuckled. "But it still wasn't nice of you to put me through that."

"I know. But I don't regret it."

I rolled my eyes as we made our way through the double doors of the school, my eyes scanning the crowd of students for Jake. I couldn't see him, but I did see the others standing by a few lockers.

"Is it okay if we go over there?" Louis whispered, his hand tightening around mine in a reassuring manner. His eyes narrowed at me in concern, watching me for any signs of uneasiness or hesitation.

"Yeah, it's fine" I say, nodding my head and smiling at him, reassuring him that I mean it. He nods once before pulling me through the crowd, towards the others.

Liam is the first to see us, his lips parting in a wide smile. It's hard to believe I had kissed those lips not even that long ago. Looking at each of them, I can't believe I've kissed all of them. I regret it. I regret ever trying to decide which of them I would want, just because our bracelets matched. If I'd of realized my feelings for Louis sooner, none of this would've happen. Everything with Jake would be nonexistent, and Louis and I would be perfectly happy without the threat of him looming over us everytime we breath.

"Hey Louis, I'm glad you're back" Liam says, giving Louis a side hug, considering Louis hadn't let go of my hand, which I don't mind at all. The others turn to look, smiles all on their faces as they welcomed Louis back. I hope Louis hasn't forgotten what I told him yesterday; how none of them even came to visit him or the phone situation with Harry.

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