Chapter 19: Arguing, Jake, And Punches

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Haylee's Point of View

"Haylee, I don't think that's such a good idea" Louis informed as he furrowed his eyebrows.

I was currently making myself a peanut butter sandwich. I was smoothing the peanut butter on the bread with a knife when he said this, making me freeze what I was doing.

"Why don't you think it's a good idea?" I asked. I heard him sigh at the table he was currently sitting at  before he continued.

"Don't you think it's a little too soon? I mean, this will really have an impact on them" he stated, standing up to come and stand next to me.

"Well, when do you think I should tell them? It's about time they find out their competition."

Louis chuckled while he took out two pieces of bread from the package, beginning to make himself a sandwich.

"You make it sound like it's the Hunger Games or something."

"But isn't this what it is? A big game?"

Louis shook his head. "The game is about finding the person you love. Or, at least, to point you in the right direction of who to love." 

I sarcastically chuckled, not believing the whole 'love situation'. To be honest, ever since this whole game started, I've had some sort of awakening when it comes to knowing what love is. I now beileve that it takes years for you to officially love someone. If you say you love someone when you've only known them for a short time, then you really don't know what love is.

"To me, it seems like this game is making it 10 times more difficult to actually find out who to love."

"You're wrong" Louis implied before taking a bite of his sandwich. I rose my eyebrows as I stared at him, silently telling him to continue.

"You see," he started, swallowing his food before continuing to speak. "It's not telling you who to love. It's just a way of putting yourself in some sort of situation in order for you to get comfortable with certain situations that involve the opposite sex."

"Isn't that what clubs are for? They're supposed to get you comfortable with those situations by allowing you alcohol so it numbs your common sense" I pointed out. Louis chuckled beside me, gently hitting his shoulder with my own.

"How the hell did we change topics from the meeting you're trying to organize with your matches to talking about love and then about clubs?"

I shrugged my shoulders, also unsure of how our minds drifted from such an important topic to a very unimportant topic.

"Anyways, to go back on track, I'm going to ask everybody to meet here" I announced, earning a gasp from Louis.

"Here? As in your house?"

"Yeah, it's not that bad is it?"

"No, but what about me? I want to be here while this shit goes down."

I bit my lip, trying to come up with an idea. I jumped lightly as an idea popped into my head.

"Just hang out with one of the lads and then come with them to my house when I call them" I suggested. Louis smiled at my idea, but then his smile turned into a frown.

"What now?" I sighed, slightly frustrated now.

"What about your fifth match?" he gently asked, knowing that it was a sensitive topic.

"What about him? I have no intention on seeing him again, so technically I now only have four matches. He can rot in hell for all I care" I grumbled while I put the dirty dishes in the sink. I turned on the water and filled up the sink with hot water before adding some dish soap. I started to clean up the plates and the few knives that were used for the sandwiches. As I was washing up a plate, I could feel Louis right behind me.

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