Chapter 33: Missing And Alone

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Haylee's Point of View

My body shivered, the cold wind whipping against my skin harshly. My feet pattered against the cold tiled floor, my toes numb and paler than usual. The night air was so cold that, whenever I breathed, my breath could be seen. Even though my whole body was numb, my heart felt the complete opposite.

My heart pumped erratically in my chest. Fear feeling like fire that swam in my veins. It tingled my frozen nerves from my head all the way town to the tips of my fingers and toes. My heart was beating hard and fast. So fast, that I could feel it against my rib cage.

The door was wide open, revealing the darkness of outside. 

"Louis?" I whispered, my body now in the doorway of his house. My palm rested against the door frame, my head turning from left to right, looking for him. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He vanished, right out of the blue.

In that instant, realizing that Louis wasn't here, an intense fear surged through me. I only knew one person that could've done something to him. Jake. Louis wouldn't of disappeared out of nowhere. After all, we were about to have sex, and I knew Louis would never leave just before we did anything.

"Shit" I hissed, turning on my heel and running back up the stairs to his room. I violently pushed open the door, my eyes searching everyone for my phone. I hastily grabbed random clothes from the floor, looking underneath them for my phone. As I picked up one of Louis' shirts, I saw something fall from it, hitting the floor. I threw the shirt out of my hands and reached for my phone, picking it up quickly and unlocking it. My fingers trembled as I pulled up his contact, not waiting another second before pressing the call button.

It rang several times, but no one answered. I tried again, but still no answer. I had no other choice now. I had to go find him before Jake did something to him. My hands fumbled with the zipper on the back of my dress, yanking it down before ridding it from my body. I jogged over to Louis' dresser, getting out a random pair of grey sweats and a black t-shirt.

My fingers fumbled with the tie on the sweats, my nerves on edge as the seconds ticked by. After I was finally able to tighten the sweats so they fit my body and the t-shirt was over my upper half, I rushed over to his closet and pulled out a random pair of sneakers. Not bothering to grab socks, I slipped them on my feet. With my phone still in my hand, I took off again down the stairs and out the door, making sure to close the door behind me.

My body froze in place, my head trying to decide whether to go right or left. My gut told me to go right, so that's exactly what I did. My legs took off quickly down the sidewalk, heading in the direction that I hoped Louis would be. 

The only sounds around me were my heavy breathing and the slap of the sneakers against the pavement. My heart ached in my chest, desperate for Louis to come back. I yearned for him. I yearned his touch, his smile, his eyes, his laugh, and his voice whispering sweet things in my ear. Without him, I was nothing. Already, I could feel my mind and my thoughts blur together, nothing making sense. It all swirled in my brain, everything murky instead of crystal clear like when I'm with Louis.

My pace slowed down, my eyes averting to the split in the sidewalk to either go left or to continue going straight. My feet turned left, my pace quickening to what it originally was seconds before I slowed down. As if something finally clicked in my mind, I finally figured out where my feet were leading me. I was headed towards the field. The field where Louis and I shared so many memories.

I pushed my legs faster, my route now the only thing racing in my mind. It was like the navigator app was in my brain, a red line telling me where to turn and in how many feet. My eyes averted from the ground to the sign above my head, the words barely visible in the dark. It was one of the first places that Louis and I hung out at.

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