Chapter 13: Paint Twister And Fishy Surprises

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Haylee's Point of View

I lowly groaned as I felt someone gently shake me. Can't this person tell that I was asleep?

"Haylee...Haylee...Haylee", the person continued to say as they shook me again and again.

"What?", I moaned as I turned over and buried my head under the pillow. I heard the person sigh, but I really didn't care. I was in one of those happy/sleepy moods where you feel wonderful and you don't want to get up. If only this person could take a hint that I didn't want to get up.

"Don't make me tickle you", he threatened. After a few seconds of me not answering, I felt hands start to tickle my sides. I gasped, opening my eyes to see Niall straddling me while he continued to tickle me, an evil glint in his eyes. How did he get in here? I was trying to answer that question, but I couldn't focus because of the constant tickles. I started laughing like a hyena as I rolled around, trying to get away from his ticklish fingers.

"N-Niall st-stop", I giggled.

Niall chuckled. "Only if you give me a kiss." I opened my mouth and tried to say 'okay' but no words could come out because the tickling was stopping me from talking, so I just nodded up at him. Niall immediately stopped. My heart started to race as he slowly leaned towards me. I felt his hands move on my sides, coming to rest on either side of my face. I stared into his beautiful blue eyes. They were light blue with a dark blue rim around them. Niall was staring into my eyes, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about.

"Did I ever tell you that you're beautiful?" Niall mumbled against my lips. I could feel his hot breath on my lips and it was getting really difficult to not kiss him already. But I had to play hard to get. Playing hard to get really proves how far a guy will go to get you, and that's what I wanted to find out. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, Niall slammed his lips onto mine, making me take in a sharp breath. My hands immediately entwined in his hair. I gently pulled, making him make little moaning sounds.

His hands went back down to my sides, where he roughly rubbed them. I tilted my head to the side, deepening the kiss. I let out a little moan as I felt his tongue slide against my bottom lip. I knew what he wanted, but I wouldn't give in to him. 

"Haylee", Niall pleaded, trying to get me to open my mouth. I giggled as he tried again and again.

Before Niall could react, I broke the kiss, breaking out of his arms as I started to run down the stairs to get out of my room.

"Oh! So you want to play that game?" I heard Niall say from behind me. I hurriedly ran to the hall closet, opening the door and hiding myself behind the numerous coats. I pressed myself against the wall as I listened for any noise. This 'playing hard to get' is actually really fun to do. The look on Niall's face when I denied him was priceless.

I gulped when I heard footsteps stop just outside the door. "I know you're in there", Niall said quietly. I watched as the door slowly opened, revealing a smirking Niall. He walked inside, closing the door behind him. The closet became pitch black. I couldn't see him anymore. I froze when I felt his hot breath on my lips.

"You can't get away from me that easily."

I expected him to kiss me on my lips, but instead he went straight for my neck. I felt like melting butter as his soft lips danced against my neck, leaving small love bites as he went up and down. I fluttered my eyes closed as I felt him start to gently suck on my neck, trying to find my weak spot. I bit my lip when he found it, trying to contain the moan that was gathering in the back of my throat.

I heard him evilly chuckle as he continued to suck harder on the spot. "I found it." I knew I had to stop this. This whole situation was getting way out of control. And I knew that if we continued, I would definitely give in to him. Besides that, I had to think about Liam and Harry. I still needed to figure out my feelings for them and I still have to find my other two matches. 

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