Chapter 27: Between The Sheets

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Haylee's Point of View

I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be melting under his touch. I shouldn't be craving his lips or his touch. But, as Louis placed his lips on mine, I couldn't pull away. He was like a magnet, holding me in place, stopping me from pulling away. His lips were so soft and strong against mine. His touch was gentle, yet strong.

"Haylee" Louis whispered as he pulled away slightly, our lips brushing each other's as we stared at each other. I looked at him, unable to form words. I couldn't speak. I only wanted to feel his touch and nothing but his touch. "I need to tell you something" Louis abruptly spoke, pulling me from my craving thoughts.

Louis stood up and started to pace around the room while running his hands wildly through his hair that I'd just fixed. I stood up, watching his facial expressions as he mumbled something under his breath. His face would change from angry to sad and then from sad to happy.

"Lou, is everything alright?" I asked, taking a cautious step towards him.

Louis abruptly stopped, his back away from me. "No Haylee, everything is not alright. Everything is fucked up" he spoke, his voice cracking in the end.

I shuffled awkwardly on my feet, unsure of what to say. "What do you mean?"

Louis turned to face me, his eyes red and puffy and tear stains on his cheeks. I was about to ask what was wrong, but Louis stopped me. "Why are you so blind?"

His question caught me off guard. In fact, his whole entire demeanor was catching me off guard. Louis was never like this. It was like he was finally breaking on the inside. He was expressing whatever bottled feelings he had in himself.

"I'm confused..."I trailed off.

Louis sighed. "Why are you so blind in seeing that I love you". My breath got caught in my throat, making me gasp slightly. Tingles ran up and down my spine and I felt my hands become sweaty. Did Louis seriously love me? This wasn't like the cafe, where we had people watching us. Right now, it was just the two of us, in a hotel in Paris. Was he telling the truth? Did Louis really mean it when he said he loves me?

"I don't understand" Louis started, taking a step closer to me. "I've spent years loving you. Every single thing I've done for you has been for love. Every smile, every hug, every kiss, was all apart of my love. How can you not see it?" he choked, looking at me with pain in his eyes.

My thoughts took me on a ride through all my memories with Louis. All the days and hours we'd spend together, doing the weirdest things with each other. All the laughs we've shared. All the secrets we've told each other. I remember looking into Louis' eyes sometimes, seeing an emotion I hadn't seen before. I remember all the hugs, the pecks on my cheek from his lips, the deep emotion in his eyes. That's when it all hit me.

Louis loves me. He really, really loves me. Oh god, how could I have been so blind?! How didn't I notice any of this? He made it so obvious, and yet I was so blind.

I felt tears start to leave my eyes, wetting my cheeks as they fell. "Oh my god" I breathed, placing my hands over my face, trying to contain my sobs.

I stood there for a few seconds, letting out all the guilt that I felt. I didn't jump when I felt Louis' hands wrap around mine, pulling them away from my face. I looked up, meeting his dark blue eyes. They looked hurt and defeated.

"Please don't cry love. I hate to see you cry" Louis murmured as he wiped a few tears away with his thumb.

"I'm so sorry" I choked, feeling the guilt weigh my heart down. Louis placed his hand underneath my chin, gently lifting it up so I'd look at him again. 

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