A World of Despair (Emilia)

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September 14th, 2315, Sirens wailed through out the suburban area just outside of a massive city.Screams arose into the air and colored the darkening sky. All around panic ensued. Two hundred and forty dead.

September 29th, 2315, The sky was forever black. People were sick and dying as more and more toxic fumes came along from the radiation plant. Twenty-six thousand dead.

August 3rd, 2316, Today the human race finished building rockets. Many ways of living in this miserable environment have helped make life here possible. Food stores are low and water is nearly unobtainable. Over  three million and two dead.

August 17th, 2316, Today's the day. The humans have finally packed up everyone into the shuttles. Let's pray this works. It may be the only way for their race to survive. For so long everyone had been dreaming of this day. There they go. The first of seventeen rockets is now in the air. Now out of the uninhabitable atmosphere. Today there is three billion and now one dead.

   The moon hung high in the sinister sky. Blood red and menacing. Below it, a city crumbles. Its heydays long past and only a fragile shell remained. A lonely cry echoed off in the distance, the tone desperate and discouraged. However it was no one human, why would it be? Long ago everyone evacuated when the radiation tanks burst. Windows burst, glass littered the roads, and doors along with most wooden objects disintegrated. There up on a hill stood a lone figure. A woman by the looks of it. Her long dirty hair billowing in the toxic wind. Her face however was hidden beneath a porcelin mask with a frightening smile upon it. A long brown trench coat, threadbare, covered any skin that might've shown. Strapped upon her back was a sheath-less blade; cleaming the color of freshly spilt blood. Down below another building collapsed down. A huge shockwave of dust and ashes arose up and was speeding toward the hill. Yet she made on inclination of moving. She stood perfectly emotionless as the wall of filth encased her. The sounds were horrendous; like the wailing of a thousand children.

   Once the noise had ceased and the dust settled did she finally turn from the scene. Another lonely cry echoed through the space. She stopped for a fraction of a second and in the moment a note fell from her gloved hand to the ground. Then she began to walk away without so much as a look back. In a few short seconds a wall of fumes and decay swallowed her from sight. 

   She came to a building encased in a glass dome. Cracks were in the glass, yet no radiation leaked through. She opened the door to the home and quickly shut it. A tiny bit of radiation leaked in, but not much. It was quickly sterilized and she took off her mask. Looking in the mirror she first checked her dark eyes to see if they were yellow. Satisfied that they weren't she moved onto checking her sharp angled face. It looked weary and old for someone so young. She just stood there looking for a minute before she finally snapped back into reality. Eventually everything was good and she walked out of the room. She didn't bother turning light switches, they all had become useless so long ago. Walking by a calender she looked at it and sighed; fifteen years. It had been fifteen years since the rockets took off. Fifteen years she had been alone. Crossing off another day she then walked into her kitchen to see if she could find anything to eat. 

   As usual there was nothing. She chuckled to herself, "You're such an idiot. Why did you even bother? You know that nothing is ever going to magically appear in here."She said to herself. Her voice slightly raspy from lack of useage. Shedding her trench coat she took off her gloves and ran her hands over her bare arms. They were bumpy from all of the scars and slightly discolored. She had been there that day. The day the radiation tanks burst. She was so little back then. She had begged her father to take her to work with him. He worked on the radiation tanks, keeping them level and out of the danger zone. Eventually he broke down and agreed. She had been so excited to get to go to a grown up place. However if she had known what was to happen that day she would've begged him to stay home that day insted. 

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