Chapter Six (Rhylo)

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   When Rhylo finally managed to open his dilated eyes he was greeted with the face of the human, Josh, was it? Not a pretty thing to wake up to. Scrambling away from the odd man, Rhylo looked at the surroundings. After snapping at Josh of course to tell him that his face was not appreciated. The cool air was welcoming to him as he looked at the cave walls which were leaking radioactive dropplets down to the floor creating acidic puddles all around. Josh was sitting in one of the few places that wasn't inhabited by acid. By the looks of it Rhylo himself was fine as well. Looking back at Josh he sent the human a questioning glance. Josh however seemed to be too stupid to pick up on what Rhylo was trying to tell him. 

   Growling he leapt over to Josh and smacked him. "Ow Pooch-I mean Rhylo- what was that for?" Josh asked; almost slipping up and calling him poochie. Rhylo snuffled and then looked all around at the cave before looking back at Josh. "Oh, um... well you looked pretty bad so... I just kinda picked you up and brought you here."Josh replied. Rhylo nodded and then got up. Careful of the acid patches he went to the mouth of the cave to glance around at where they were. There weren't too many places here that had caves like this. It couldn't be the one he found Josh in since that was too far for Josh to carry or in his case drag Rhylo to. The sun beat savagely down onto the earth once more, searing anything trying to grow. The heat today seemed near unbearable and Josh would certainly never be able to survive it. However the question was, just where was this place?

   Finding no answers, Rhylo turned away to go back into the depths of the cave once more. They had no choice but to stay put until the night time. Rhylo knew that it was a risk but they'd have to take it anyways. They couldn't lose an entire day. So they'd just have to be careful. Rhylo sat back down on a acid free patch of floor and curled up into a tight ball. "Wow, you're very dog like."Josh mused. Rhylo looked over to the human indignantly and smacked him. "Ow! Po-I mean Rhylo- calm down!" Josh whined. Rhylo chuckled and put his head down on his paws and closed his weary eyes. Just for now he'd catch some sleep. If only for a few minutes...

   When Rhylo came to for the second time he noticed that the cave was indeed quite a bit darker. He sighed quietly and then got to his feet. They'd have to be quick about leaving. Rhylo looked over at Josh to see him fast asleep. Walking over to him he sniffed him and shook his head. The radiation in him was getting worse and worse. Before long he'd become one of them. Rhylo just turned and walked to the entrance of the cave. Looking up at the moon Rhylo sighed once again. It was nearly full. He only had a few more days before the three days of hell arrived once more. He'd have to work double time now. 

   Going over to Josh he nudged the lazy lump back to semi-consciousness; only to have him roll back over on him and try to sleep. Well, since civility failed it was time for the Rhylo way. Opening his jaws Rhylo clamped down around Josh's arm. "Lord! Do you have a biting problem you crazy mutt?"Josh roared as he suddenly woke up. Rhylo, not appreciating the tone bit down just that much harder. Josh finally bit the bullet, "I'm sorry oh great master Rhylo! Forgive my impudence!" Josh cried only half sorry. Rhylo released the stupid human's arm and snorted at him. Getting back to his feet he motioned the idiot to follow him once more. "Are we really going to travel at night? That's dangerous."Josh whined. Rhylo's tails twitched in annoyance. Why did humans always whine so much? He knew that it was dangerous at night, he wasn't stupid.

   Ignoring the moans and groans of the human they headed out. Rhylo at point as always. Despite what Wheetziebat had said he would find Emilia. He'd been sniffing her out for years and wasn't going to stop because of one petty little threat. Taking in a long sniff of the sizzling air he couldn't smell a thing. Snarling, Rhylo just looked around for any sign of the city or her house. Nothing. It was like they'd been thrown out to the wastelands. Turning to Josh he motioned, begrudgingly, for the human to get onto his back. Josh complied warily and then Rhylo shot off. In a few minutes the far off comfort of The City's structure loomed in the distance. If Rhylo pushed it they could be there by morning and then start the search from there. Just as Rhylo was in mid stride however he caught a scent. Her scent,

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