Chapter Five (Emilia)

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   When Emilia woke up light was filtering through the balcony door. She heard shuffling around in some of the other rooms but just laid there since she couldn't get to any of the other rooms. It was only when the shuffling got louder Emilia realized that she had a blanket draped over me. "So did you sleep well?"Wheetziebat asked. Emilia looked over the couch to see that he was sitting there with something in his hand. "Yes, I slept fine aside from the nightmares about you." She spat. Wheetziebat looked at her and snorted laughter. "That's nice, now will you pretty please tell me the secret to becoming human once again?"He asked nicely.

"So what you don't want to continue to be King of the Xions?"

"So I take it you don't know what's happening with them?"

   Emilia looked at him curiously, "What do you mean?"

"The Xions are getting out of control from too much radiation and are actually becoming suicidal. They venture too far away from their radiation sources and they end up dying from lack of radiation in their systems."

   Emilia looked at him surprised. This was the first she'd heard of such a thing but it wasn't like she walked out and got a sunday paper every week. "So what about you?"

   Wheetziebat looked at her, "I'm touched by your undoubtely fake concern but I have retained enough of my human mind to keep myself from going suicidal. That and I'm more of a hybrid Xion. Human looks but animal way of living."

   Emilia rolled my eyes, "Well I'm sorry for asking."She spat. Wheetziebat chuckled and then something bloody landed on Emilia's lap. Shrieking briefly in surprise, Emilia looked down in her lap and then calmed down when she saw that it was the leg of some animalistic Xion. "Breakfast is served."He said as he got up and moved toward the balcony. Emilia brought up her mask and  watched him for what he was doing while eating in silence. Finishing her breakfast she looked at him curiously, "What are you doing?"She asked. Wheetziebat looked back at her with an emotion that she couldn't really describe across his face. He turned back and motioned her over to him with his hand. Emilia looked at the sick black claws on the tips of them and she must've taken too long to move since he clenched his fist, "Get over here." He said. He retracted his hand and Emilia then flipped her mask back on and got up off of the couch.

   She came over to him and looked out at the City. Emilia was only slightly aware of his wing sheilding her from the toxic wind that blew. The City seemed to be deteriorating at a faster rate than before. "What's happening to it?"Emilia asked. Wheetziebat only looked on sadly as he ignored her question. The buildings were collapsing in twos and threes at a time now and more frequently. It was quite a depressing sight. Down in the street it was empty like usual, except Emilia saw a tiny spec down below, "Wheetziebat... what's that?"She questioned and pointed down toward the street to where the spec was. He looked down at where she was pointing and then squinted for a closer look. With a hiss he suddenly was down into the street. Emilia looked on surprised at his actions. In all of the years she  had known Wheetziebat, she knew that it wasn't like him to suddenly lose his cool like that.

   She heard screaming soon and saw that whatever the spec was, it was screeching at Wheetziebat. Emilia watched on as he suddenly grabbed the thing up and it exploded. Emilia leapt back in surprise at the sudden motion. By the time she had blinked, Wheetziebat was back up on the balcony. "I'm sorry. Come on you need to get back inside."He said and ushered her through the door. "Wheetziebat, I can't just be stuck in this room all alone. I'm going to need something to do, not just sit here." She said. Wheetziebat sighed, "Yes, I suppose that you're right. Just give me some time and I'll find something for you."He replied. She nodded to him and he hugged her tightly. She didn't return his embrace however. He soon let her go and went through the doorway and flew to another room in the penthouse. 

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