Chapter Seven(Josh)

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Here you go GloomyCupid a chapter updated before usual time for ya :)


"Hello? This is Commander Garrison."

'Oh thank god! Commander Garrison you're still alive!' The woman on the other end gasped.

"Yes now what is it?"

'Well we couldn't get a fix on your suit and I have been trying your communicator for days.'


'Well, we wanted to know if you have deemed our old Earth as livable again.'

"Hahaha! Not in the slightest. Don't worry however I'll try and find a way to make Earth suitable for the human race again."

'Well then, I look forward to hearing your voice again, Joshua.'

   Josh shivered at her tone of voice and then clicked off the communicator. He sighed as he then looked at Rhylo. The poor boy was beat to pieces. 'What do I do? If I do make it livable for humans then Rhylo and the girl he's looking for will most likely die.... but why do I care about them? As far as I'm concerned I don't owe them a thing.' He thought. "Hey Rhylo! I'm going to scout out something for us to eat!"Josh called. He heard Rhylo snort and took that for an ok. 

   Josh walked around the boiling lake of death and looked down at his distorted reflection. In all reality he did need to find food for the two of them but what? All of his bags of animal crackers had since been eaten and he didn't know what was poisonous or not. Hearing a snapping sound Josh looked up. There in the bushes he saw a Xion looking at him hungrily. Its grey skin was grotesque and rotting. It had stringy clumps of hair falling in its face. Its face itself was hideous with large fangs and deep red eyes. It hissed at him and Josh could hear its tail thumping on the ground. Looking aroud for anything that might help him fight the monster off he found nothing. 'Damn it! Is everything around here capable of killing me?' Josh thought as he leapt away from the beast's first swipe. 

   Josh looked at the Xion as it was fully exposed. He didn't think that it was once human since it didn't speak, but that made it all the more dangerous. Josh looked back toward the tree that Rhylo was resting under. It looked so far away. Behind him the Xion hissed angrilly. Turning back towards it, Josh got an idea. He ran past it and into the undergrowth. He heard the beast giving chase and ran faster. It charged after him without any hesitation. Josh leapt over a fallen log and then saw what he was looking for. It was a small cliff that had nearly killed him on his first day on this planet. Just as he got to the edge of it he stopped dead in his tracks and side stepped. The Xion wailed as it tried to stop but instead barreled over the side of the cliff. It crashed down on its side against the rocks.

   Josh waited for the death throws to be over before he found some vines and made a ladder down to the bottom of the small cliff. Once there he went to take some of the meat off of his kill when he heard voices. "Hey brother lookie here. It's another human."

"Yes I believe you're right there Zigg." Another voice replied.

Josh looked and saw two more Xions. They were as grotesque as the first but he was used to such hideousness by now. He stood up and then picked up a small stone that was near.

"Hehehehe! Looks like he's spicy!" The first one said.

"Bet he'd taste good wit the odur human."Zig added stupidly.

   Josh didn't wait for them to finish. He hurled the stone at the one called Zig and watched as it hit him square in his oversized forehead. "Ow!"Zig wailed and clutched his forehead. Josh then quickly began to scramble up the vine in a vain attempt to escape. However the other Xion just came over and snatched him up. Josh growled and twisted left and right trying to get out of the monster's grip. However the thing held him tightly. "Yes he will make a very good meal."The first Xion agreed. They turned around and then began to head to their camp site with him. "Hey! Let me go! I thought that you fed on pure radiation not humans!"Josh called. The unnamed Xion looked down at him.

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