Chapter Four (Rhylo)

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   Rhylo couldn't believe this human. He had dared to try and order him around? Did this hairless creature think that he was better than him because he had little radiation in him? Rhylo wished for nothing more than to sink his teeth in hard enough to break skin, but he knew that he shouldn't. Padding along with a steady pace Rhylo once more looked back to see if the human was following him. As was now usual, the man was. Rhylo held little love for this human. He was crass, clumsy, and above all else stunk to high heavens of artifical ingredients. However he might be able to find Emilia and that alone made him tolerate this sad excuse for a 'superior' life form. "Hey poochie. It's getting kinda hot out here, do you think that we could find some shade or something?"The man asked. Rhlyo twitched unhappilly at that name. Poochie? There really wasn't a more degrading name out there. Rhylo however looked back at the man and smacked him.

   Walking over to the shadow forest as he called it, Rhylo found a small shaddy spot and flopped down on it. Looking over at the man he beckoned him with a flip of one of his tails. The man reluctantly walked over and sat a bit away in the next patch of shade. Rhlyo watched him as he tried to settle down a bit more comfortably and just chuckled. This man was going to die soon. Rhylo however was snapped out of his reverie when a furrious buzzing started. Rhylo was on his feet in the very instant and looking around for the source of that noise. Rhylo shut his eyes and let his senses spread out. It was here somewhere...

   A slight difference shifted Rhylo's senses to his left. There. That was where they were lurking, waiting to come and tear him limb from limb. Opening his eyes, Rhylo leapt forward to attack. He landed in a small piece of thicket and more bug-Xions poured out of it. Rhylo heard the man gasping behind him. However that stupid man wasn't his priority right now. These Xions were his priority. There were about four of them; a challenge. Rhylo leapt out of the reach of two as they dove for him. Landing on the trunk of a tree, Rhylo kicked off it and caught one of the Xions by the wings. It let out a screech and was flung toward the ground, no longer able to fly. Rhylo then went for another one as it went for the man.

   However the man was able to take care of himself. He had snapped off the branch of a tree and then had skewered the beast through. Rhylo stopped running toward him as the man gave him a thumbs up. Snorting, Rhylo turned back to the task at hand. The other two Xions that were undoubtedly smarter than the others. They hung back just out of reach, waiting for them to make a move. Rhylo thought carefully, if he went for them they'd undoubtedly just scatter and wait until he was too weak to attack. Yet if he did nothing then they'd eventually just end up with a bigger mess as more powerful and deadly Xions came into the mix. Rhylo just sat back on his haunches slowly. If he wanted to get himself and the human out alive then he'd need to think carefully.

   The Xions buzzed a little closer, but Rhylo did nothing yet. The human was doing very good to not move and Rhylo was greatful for that. The Xions came yet again closer and that was when Rhylo decided to act. He leapt for the one on the right, kicking off with all of his might. He crashed into the beast and went for the throat, easily ripping it right out of the thing. The body spasmed a few times before it just suddenly died off. The other one thought that it had a chance and then went in to try and attack Rhylo. Rhylo however whipped around and then caught onto it with one of his tails. Pulling it toward him he then swiftly dealt the finishing blow to it. Looking at the last one that was pitifully buzzing on the ground Rhylo watched as the human walked over and stomped on its head until it stopped moving.

   Rhylo felt his stomach rumble and looked down at the fresh Xion. Shrugging slightly he stooped down and began to eat. "Ew! Poochie why are you even eating that?"The man asked.  Rhylo snuffed indignantly at that name. Oh how he would kill this human when his purpose was finished. Finishing his meal, Rhylo just snorted at the man and then sniffed around for Emilia's sweet scent. The scalding wind picked up for a second causing the man to flinch slightly, but Rhylo was greatful for the wind. It gave him the scent that he was looking for. Straight ahead was the way that he needed to go. So Rhylo began to once again walk forward. The stupid man dutifully walking behind him. 

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