False information

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Picture: a quick edit I made, when the fanfic comes to life 😜
//Pacifica's P.O.V

I looked at the pictures of the red haired girl with a green flannel shirt laid out on the ground. I've seen her around a town a few times I knew her name was Wendy but I had no idea why Dipper had pictures of her in his box.

"What the-" Mabel sighed. "what's that?"

Dipper scrabbled for the pictures. "Just some Wendy stuff from...old times.."

Mabel and Soos groaned.

"Who's Wendy?" I asked. Maybe I could find out what she meant to him.

"A girl that Dipper SAID he was over." she glared at him.

"Ugh I know!" He hit himself in the head. "I know she's not interested and I know it's over but how do you just turn off the way you feel about someone?"

By finding someone else

"Two words, Dipper: move on!" Mabel said. "Yea dude and a road trip is a perfect way to meet new people." Added Soos. They then all got on the bus. I followed after them.

"Why does he have to meet new people..what's  wrong with the people he already knows?" I had myself in mind.

"New people is the target, dude!" Soos hollered. Then Mabel jumped in. "Besides I don't see any girls at home stepping up to take the task."

Um hello?! Am I invisible or something?!

"Anyways come on let's go sit down Pacifica." Mabel then grabbed my hand and dragged me to the round table Grenda, Candy and Dipper were already seated at. They started babbling about the places we were going and what they were gonna do. But I was just watching Dipper. He was sitting across from me, right next to Mabel and after that Grenda I was sitting next to Candy.

I don't know when I started to like him. Maybe it was at my party..when I hugged him..or maybe when he told me I didn't have to be like my parents just because I was their daughter...or maybe when we ruined my rug and had a good laugh..I don't know but What I do know is that I like him. Thats why I pretended to hate this punishment because I knew if I didn't I wouldn't be able to see Dipper for a long, long time.

He then got up and walked to the front of the R.V. I wanted to ask why and if he'd be back but I didn't wanna be too clingy. I let him go.

//Dipper's P.O.V

I sat at the round table with the girls they were all babbling about their own thing Pacifica didn't seem very intrigued though...infact she was staring off into space..no not space..she was staring at...me?..What is she even doing here? Not that she's a bother it's just a thought, maybe it's time I ask Stan.

I got up and plopped down in the passenger seat a few inches from where Stan was. "So Pacifica on the road trip with us...lets hear that story." I glared at him,

"It's a punishment." He began. "For letting the townsfolk into the mansion that day. They tried a lot of things to punish her but she seemed to have a great dislike to this one.."

Wow...just when I thought she was changing

"...while I was shopping for the camping gear I rang into Princeton who was returning, I suppose, Pacifica's ponies?.... well I ran into him and he asked what I was doing I explained to him our revenge trip and he thought that would be the perfect punishment "a road trip with the unfortunate"..at least that's what he said...anyways he paid money so I took the opportunity..so now we have to drag this Brat around..real sorry Dip.."

Oh no you don't have to be sorry! How could Pacifica?! "A road trip with the unfortunate"?! "Had the most dislike to this one"?! Is it really that terrible? At least you're with your friends..well you were with your friends..but no longer! No worries, princess.. this "unfortunate" person will leave you alone...I promise!

I looked over at her she was talking and laughing with the girls. It was all just an act they didn't know what I did and I wasn't gonna tell them, they wouldn't like the idea of being tricked..but at least one person knew who Pacifica really was...

What a jerk!

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