Girl trouble

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Picture: roadside attraction: Dipper depressed
//Pacifica's P.O.V

Dippers acting weird. It's as if he hates me..does he? Have I done something already?

I shook off the thought when the R.V. Came to a stop. 

"Look alive!" Yelled Stan. "We're coming up on an attraction run by the most black hearted person in all of Oregon."

A sign then came into view, it had the words "Granny sweetkin's yarn ball world's biggest!" printed on it with a nice old lady next to it. Well Stan lost his mind.

"Don't let the sweet face fool you..this woman light my car on fire on two non-executive occasions." He added. Everyone oooohhhed and aaahhhed at the big yarn ball.

"We're going in girls." Mabel yelled. She grabbed my hand but I freed myself. "Um no..what if I ruin my hair?!" That sounded catty but I didn't care, my hair is very important. "I'm not going in!"

"Figures." Said Dipper under his breath. I turned to him. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Oh nothing it's just..I thought you changed." He shrugged. "I did! But excuse me having the slightest concern about my appearance." He rolled his eyes. "Pacifica, Pacifica always worrying about your looks." He scoffed.

There it is again! That weird attitude he's having towards me, as if I did something that made him think I'm still my old self! I'm not and I'll prove it!

I looked at the ball of yarn and gulped. I pulled up my hair back and jumped in.

//Dipper's P.O.V.

It was no shock Pacifica didn't want to go into the yarn because she was frighten for her hair but what was a shock was when she did go in. I didn't watch for a long though a girl had caught my attention.

"Okay like Soos said 'meet new people!'" I took a deep breath and walked over to her. I cleared my throat. "So um...come here often?"

"No I'm a tourist." She responded.

I laughed. "You're funny and... cute!"

Her eyes widened at me. Uh oh.

"I mean not cute!- I mean you're not- not cute.." I whipped my forehead. "Let me start over.." I put of my hand out. "My name is Dopper." She glared at my hand then placed her ice cream Cone on it.

Well that couldn't of been worse!

My Walkie-talkie then went off:
"Dipper hop too! This ball of yarn ain't gonna prank itself!" Yelled Stan.

I nodded and ran over to the yarn. Mabel handed me the string and I ran over the bumper. As I tied it on I looked at my reflection and sighed.

I'm such a loser.

"Something on your mind, kiddo?" Asked Stan. "Thinking about miss cold shoulder over there, huh?"

Well it's official: Stan can read minds.

I sighed. "Ugh I'm so embarrassed..look earlier this summer I ruined my chances with Wendy." I could hear him repeat the word "chances" sarcastically under his breath but I ignored it and kept talking. "And I wanna move on! But I'm terrible at talking to girls..the minute I open my mouth around them I unravel I can't think of a perfect metaphor but you get the gist.." I sighed again. "At this rate I'm gonna grow up to be a sad loner like Toby determined!"

"Whoa!" Said Stan putting his hand on my shoulder. "Never say that about yourself! Lucky for you I'm expert on woman..listen to me kid when it comes to girls always be confident!...and funny but not too funny!..and be kind of annoying but in a lovable way!"

I bit my lip. "I don't know Grunkle Stan..this sounds kinda jerky.."

"Hey! 'Jerky' is just a term non-jerks use to bad-mouth innocent jerks!..confident! Comedy! Some third word starting with a C! The 3 cs of the Stan Pine's dating technique! At the next tourist trap try my advice on the next girl you see!" He piped.

"Cool..Grunkle Stan..thanks!" I smiled.

"Hey! I'm full of good ideas! Speaking of which..." He turned to the girls who were still playing with the yarn but Pacifica had lost interest and was brushing her hair..of course!

"EVERYONE! NOW!" Stan yelled as he ran off into the R.V. When we drove off the strings of the yarn were unraveling after us.

Hey! A yarn ball that would of been a perfect metaphor! Ah won't need it now because Stan's advice is totally gonna work! Bye bye girl troubles!

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